35 - Kiss or Kill (1 of 2)

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It's like you're on a mission now

Tryin' to tear down everything

What are you so afraid of?

And why are you scared of loving me?

Try as you might, you can't push me away...

35 - Kiss or Kill

I sat on the steps to the porch of Sathariel's house, looking up at the skies. Most of Halja was deep in slumber. It was way past midnight when we got back from Halo. The moon was almost full and tomorrow, I was sure it would be a perfect circle during the eclipse.

"We beat the deadline a day early," I muttered to myself, letting out a sigh of relief.

That was more than anyone could hope for. Still, I couldn't shake off the sinking feeling in my gut.

The noise from the huge mess hall disturbed my silent contemplation. The sliding doors were left open to let the cool late night air in. The room looked too small with all the Haljans, Reapers and familiars crammed inside, what with Kyoshiro and Joaquim's cabals being the new addition to our group of refugees.

The smell of wine mixed with the delicate smell of cherry blossoms. There was laughter, clinking of glasses as toasts were made, boisterous recounts of how Legion was defeated. Everyone wanted to tell their version of the story.

Even I had my own version. I doubted anyone would like it.

I stretched my numbing legs, careful to not move so much as to awaken Yuki who had fallen asleep with his head on my lap. The gap between his brows kept furrowing every now and then. Even in his sleep, he was crying.

Gently, I brushed the tears that had rolled down from the sides of Yuki's eyes.

Deep down, I felt responsible for Miu's death. If she hadn't come with me that day to find Vincent, this boy would still have his mother.

I heard footfalls approaching and saw Kyoshiro. His eyes looked tired, but I was sure it wasn't from the wine.

"One down," he said.

Yawning, he stretched his arms before hunkering beside me to scoop Yuki up from my lap. As he stood, he momentarily glanced at the mess hall.

Eun Jae was sitting on the floor with his back on the door frame. His chin slowly fell down his chest.

He must have had too much to drink.

Kyoshiro let out a deep sigh. "One more to go."

"Good night," I said.

"Gokuro, Oddoai-kun," he answered, walking away.

I had no clue what he just said, but somehow, it made me smile. As If I had done something right for once. I lay down and let the air fill my lungs, wondering if I should join the merriment inside.

"You really know how to party, don't ya?" said Belial who had already parked herself beside me, swirling the wine in her goblet. She downed it in one go. "You wanted to talk to me; talk."

Sitting up, I stared at the triangular mark on the back of my hand. "Vincent said yes."

"You proposed to him?"

My ears seemed to have developed a heartbeat. "What? No!"

"Heh," she shrugged.

"That's... absurd," I blinked, trying to erase that little moment of distraction from my mins. "Vincent said yes to Legion... to trick her. You said once he gave his word, there's no going back."

Belial was looking up at the sky, nodding. It was hard to tell if she was listening with the permanent bored expression on her face. After half a minute of silence, she turned to me.

"I did say that."


With a long, tired sigh, she gazed back up at the sky. "We've done everythin' we can, Hun."

There was that feeling of impending doom again. "So basically, you're saying this isn't over yet."

Again with the shrug. "Ain't over 'til it's over, Hun. Is Legion goin' to escape or is she goin' to stay trapped in the abyss? Is Vincent still goin' to become the Scarlet Beast? There's no way of knowin'. Now, all we can do is wait and see what's goin' ta happen next."

My brows puckered. "That's your brilliant plan?"

She scoffed and tilted the goblet onto her lips, pulling a face when she realized it was already empty. "There are things you can plan ahead, Hun, like birthday parties, or retirement. This ain't one of those things. Just because we've taken down one enemy don't mean it's over. It's never over. There are tons of monsters out there. And enemies are goin' ta keep comin' out whether you like it or not. So be ready."

"For what?"

"For everything."

I wanted to talk with Belial because I wanted answers. Assurance. But her idea of a pep talk had only left me more confused. And scared. I was at a loss of how to deal with the unknown, with the uncertainties of immortality. The idea of having to do this forever was overwhelming. Just thinking about it seemed to have sapped all the energy out of me.

"How do you do it?" I asked her, trying not to hyperventilate. "Live forever?"

"I don't," she smiled. "I live in the moment."

After what she just said, it felt like I just had an epiphany. Suppressing a smirk, I bumped her shoulder. "That's rich, coming from a drunkard old lady like you."

Her palm hit the back of my head with a force enough to throw me off my seat. I got up, wincing, rubbing the sore spot on my head.

"Stupidass girl. I oughta slap you in the mouth," she muttered matter-of-factly, waving her empty goblet in front of my face. "I ain't a drunkard. S'just booze makes everything seem more... interesting."

"You didn't have to hit me!"

"'Course I didn't, but where's the fun in that?" She grinned, placing her hands on her knees and getting up. "Now get some shut-eye. We have an Offering to finish tomorrow."

"Belial," I called before she could walk away.

She looked at me over her shoulder and waited.

"W-what if Vincent really becomes the Scarlet Beast?"

Belial sighed. "One problem at a time, Hun. One at a time."

Then she left.

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