Reapernomicon III

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Immortals and How to Be One

by Marcel Rayne

When your master--a Reaper, yes--talks to you in Immortal jargon, you wouldn't want to stand there gaping at him like an imbecile. So, what to do? Learn to draught the draught and talk the talk. That being said, let's start with the basics: Souls.

What are Souls?

Souls are what you become if you're too stupid to cross the street without looking left and right like you mom told you so when you were in kindergarten. Yes; the semi-transparent that leaves the dead body when someone (not immortal) dies.

Where do Souls go after one dies?

So, there you are, lying on the road, bathing in your own blood. The driver of that damned car that hit you had disappeared into the other end of the road minutes ago. As your Soul separates from your body, you feel nothing. And then there's this light. You suddenly feel the urge to go there even if you don't know what it is. It's a Gate, you moron. The Gate to the afterlife where you'll have all the time in the world to montage in spring meadows and whatnot. After some time, you'll forget your past life and you'll get picked for Rebirth. As a new person, of course. But for us immortals, that ship has sailed. It's fight or be fireflies, now.

What happens to Souls when they don't crossover?

Bad things. Bad things happen.

For one, you go insane. Your soul goes bad like an afterlife hobo. You become a wraith. Or  a Swarth.  Once you turn, you can say goodbye to your dreams of being reborn. Wicked, wicked monsters, those things.

Or even more worse, you get eaten by one.

So crossover.

Resurrection, Rebirth, Reincarnation; what's the difference?

A lot. But basically, they all involve someone dying, obviously.

So, you've always dreamed to be a familiar. Because apparently, it's everyone's dream to die and become a personal slave forever. Right. So let's get back to you hovering over your dead run--over body. Lucky for you, an immortal (doesn't have to be a Reaper, apparently) takes an interest. He offers you a deal; immortality in exchange for eternal servitude. You've been drinking before you got hit by that car, so you said "Yes". The Reaper, now your master, will banish your Soul to the afterlife and share part of  his almighty immortal soul to your dead meat suit so you can go walk the earth again. That, my friend, is Resurrection.

For Rebirth, go back to Where do Souls go when one dies. Don't make me repeat myself.

After being reborn or resurrected, you suddenly remember one or more of your past lives.  I don't envy you, personally, as memories are basically emotional baggage. That's Reincarnation.

Now, you know a thing or two about immortals. Start acting like it.

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