29 - The Rules

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You loved me 'cause I'm fragile

When I thought that I was strong

But you touch me for a little while

And all my fragile strength is gone  

29 - The Rules

The masters went to Cairo's room for a family meeting while we waited. Archie was left in charge of the monitors. Dad was sleeping and Mei had taken over the available bed.

"So, you've been telling my dad stories," I told Amyr.

I sat on the floor beside him.

Amyr smirked, resting his arms on his knees. "Don't worry, Noob. I made it sound like you were so awesome. You're welcome, by the way."

"He wouldn't believe it anyway," I laughed.

Falling silent, he began to fiddle with one of Alex's Rubic's cube. "Don't worry too much. It's not even twenty-four hours since your old man's been immortalized and he's already bugging me to train him."

"Why am I not relieved?" I jeered.

"Come on," he nudged me gently. "He ain't as incapable as you think. S'not so bad being like us."

"Maybe... if the situation was different," I sighed. "Right now, I just... can't imagine him surviving all this."

"It's really bad, ain't it?"

I couldn't answer. All I could do was stare as he disassembled the cube, its pieces scattered on the floor.

"The bosses ain't tellin' us nothin'. I know I ain't smart. But my guts, Noob. It keeps tellin' me, maybe this is it. Shit's gunna go down and fast. We won't even see it comin'."

"We'll find a way. We always do."

My voice sounded hollow, but he didn't seem to notice. He just started laughing softly.

"You wanna hear somethin' funny, Noob?" he asked, lifting his gaze to me. "I'm immortal and I'm still gunna die at forty-one. And you; what're you, sixteen?"

With an irritated groan, I punched his arm. He fake-winced, forcing back a smile.

"You're not going to die, Amyr," I said, leaning my head on his shoulder. "None of us are."

This time, I meant it.

Piece by piece, Amyr put the cube back together with the same color for each side.

"That's cheating," I said.

"It ain't cheating," he grinned. "It's called improvisation."

I could feel my forehead creasing as I watched him.

The door creaked open.

Amyr and I jumped to our feet. Momentarily, Archie lifted his eyes from the monitors to look at the door. The lack of interest on his face told me it was alright.

"Master," he acknowledged the newcomer. "Might you be in need of something?"

Hector stepped into view, his eyes downcast. Without his lab coat, he looked like any average boy, but I knew better.

"I'll be quick," he said to me, his gaze still roaming the floor. "Open your hand."

Raising a brow, I crossed my arms in front of me. "Why?"

Reapers - Master of Souls (Reapers Chronicles Book III)Where stories live. Discover now