World Warp I (A Reapers Year-End Special)

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Author's Remarks:

Before I start this special chapter, I just want to thank everybody who've been with me through all these years. I started writing Reapers on 2012 as a trial entry for the Watty Awards Paranormal genre and it took off way better than expected. I only have a few readers back then. I almost lost hope. I almost gave up on writing. On running after my dream of being an author. Who'd have thought Reapers - Thirteen Brothers would actually get published? I wouldn't have believed it myself if someone told me it was gonna happen back then. And I owe it all to you awesome nerds for being so patient in waiting for updates and leaving me words of encouragement just when I really needed it. Joining wattpad was one of the highlights of my life. Although, I may not be that articulate online (and in real life, actually) or seem kind of snobbish because I don't always answer back your messages and comments, know that I appreciate every word, every thought that came with it, and of course, all you Familiars out there who're still with me in this journey. May we end it together with a bang!

A happy New Year to all of you!

Sparkles and Fireflies,



Be warned. This is a series of special chapters. It may or may not be related to the current story plot. Stay tuned to find out.

Before you start the adventure:
Accept and Let it play out--That is the KEY.
Go back in time. Set your mind towards the end of Book 1, when Aramis came back from Halo.
Keep an open mind.
Don't get hang up on the previous chapters. They don't matter here. If you remember book 1, you're good to go.
Now, ready. Set. Jump!!

If you were given a chance to go back in time, would you have done things differently? I probably would, knowing what was about to come.

I woke up to a gray sky. From in between the trees, I could see the road-Route 61-wound its way in between the woods. I knew right away that I was near the Centralia border.

My limbs were numb, helpless against the cold seeping through my tattered blue frock. Sucking in a sharp breath, I pushed myself up and shook the snow that almost became my grave. Just within my reach was a jagged glowing hole-the Door that spewed me out of Nirvana.

Tears welled from my eyes, remembering Vincent's last words before he got me into a Door and went back to Halo for the others: Live a long human life... That's an order.

How could I, knowing he might already be captured or dead? How could I possibly live with myself? What was I supposed to do? Just go home and tell Dad the trip to Paris was cancelled? Pretend like everything didn't happen? Like Vincent didn't happen?

Before I knew it, I found myself taking the trail toward Sinclair Mansion. My feet moved mechanically, tirelessly despite the aching muscles.

Tire tracks lined the trail, both sides overrun with foliage as tall as my waist. I hunkered down and reached for it with a trembling hand. With a spark of hope fuelling me, I managed to get up. Before I could take another step, someone ran into me.

I tumbled to the ground. For a few seconds, I was blind from the pain, from exhaustion.

"What the hell?!" someone said. Someone familiar. Someone who shouldn't be here.

I opened my eyes to see him standing beside me, leaning over so he could get a closer look at me. His dark hair was cropped neatly at the sides of his head, still waving a little at the top, looking like he set it so it would stick upward. He was in a blue GAP hoodie, jogging pants and black Nike's. It looked like him, but at the same time, not because of the pair of gooseberry green eyes looking back at me.

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