World Warp III (A Reapers Year-End Special)

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So it's that day of the year again. The Purge, when Strays and wraiths get sucked into Doors and Gates so they could crossover to Nirvana. This is a work day, Familiar! No Holiday for you. No overtime. No hazard. What? What rights? It's on the job description, remember? The one you signed before you were immortalized? So, stand up and get goin!

Happy New Year, everyone!!!

As per usual, read with an open mind. Accept and play along. Enjoy the adventure.


A special place in time,
I'll put it in a bottle,
I'd go back there in my mind.                          
Another World, The Vamps


"Time's up," Rosario said, clapping a hand on the blackboard. "Everyone, pass your paper."

The students began to file out of the Literature classroom, leaving their papers on the teacher's table as they passed by. I kept sitting there, trying to shake off the disorientation.

"You," Rosario hissed at me.


"Yes, you! Aramis. Who else?" she snapped, placing her hands on her waist. "Do you see anyone else here?"

"Oh... right."

She gave me an irritated look. "Well? Aren't you going to give me your answer?"

"What answer?"

"Your answer, stupid," she said through her teeth, staring at the piece of paper I didn't know I was holding. "You're wasting time!"

I stood up and went to her table. "His happiness," I read the words on the paper aloud, my brows knitting. "What's this about?"

"Ugh!" She snatched the paper from my hand and tossed it with the others. "What kind of stupid answer is that? I told you to write an essay about what matters most to you as of the moment and you wrote two words? How am I supposed to grade you with that?"

As Rosario went on with her ranting, a shrill static noise filled the air. I whipped my head to see where it was coming, but there was nothing behind me but an empty classroom.

"Did you hear that?" I asked Rosario.

"No! Have you been listening to me all this time? I keep telling you what needs to be done, Aramis and still, you keep getting side-tracked with all your bullshit. Whatever you're trying to achieve here, you're failing."

Closing my eyes, I tried to shake the daze out of my head. The noise was making me queasy and I could hardly even make out what Rosario was saying.

"I... don't understand!" I cried, covering my ears.

She slammed the paper in front of me. "I'll give you another chance. Do you want to rewrite your answer?"

I shook my head, wincing as the shrill noise became louder.

"Happiness, huh?" she scoffed. "You think this world's so perfect. How naïve. Now, do you want a rewrite? Tell me now or you'll fail, Aramis. Do you want a rewrite?!"

"NO!!!" I screamed and suddenly, the noise died down. "No..."

Rosario's hazel eyes were steely as she sat on the edge of the table and shrugged. "Your call."


I was just getting my things from my locker when I saw Vladimir pass by with Mei. From the other end of the corridor, Kyoshiro turned up wearing a number ten varsity jacket similar to Vincent's. His left arm was in a cast and sling.

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