39 - Sisters (2 of 2)

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How do you run from your own mind?

Take it back, what have I done?

There's this new kind of poison and it's starting to spread

No one knows what goes on inside my head

But I'm scared of myself...

39 - Sisters

The monotony of our hurried footfalls distracted me from replaying the four worst-case scenarios in my head. I knew there was little to no chance I was going to make it out of this alive, but still, I couldn't help but hope. I couldn't help but think about Vincent's promise. I kept picturing us together in a summer getaway. No worries. No immortals to run away from. No world to save. Just us.

Vince and A all the way.

Right now, even imagining it seemed absurd.

"To the throne room," Belial ordered as we reached the vast courtyard of what used to be Pilgrim's castle.

The giant double-door entrance was gone. As we stepped in, I saw nothing but rubble and ruins. The roof had caved in. Some of the broken pillars were pushed aside to make for a narrow path along the dark hallways.

Mechanically, I followed them, my apprehension slowly rising. My temples were pounding by the time Mei pushed open the door to the throne room. Cairo and his familiars were waiting at the very back of the room. They had already made the preparations.

A triangle was drawn on the floor. In the middle of it was a Helcium shard placed over the infinity insignia also drawn on the floor with blood.

"Where do I put her down?" Amyr asked warily, his lids halfway closed. "I think she's burning my back."

A goofy smile painted his face before his knees crumpled. He hit the ground out cold. Mei was beside him before anyone else.

"Wake up!" she panicked.

Byron Flynn nudged Amyr's arm over his back, motioning for Mei to do the same.

"It seems the Woman had absorbed an awful lot of his life force as we travelled," Vlad explained.

Mei shook Amyr whose head just lolled backwards. "You imbecile! Why did you not say anything sooner?"

Amyr opened his eyes for a second, still with that goofy smile on. His shoulders shook a little as he mumbled something to Mei. I think he was laughing. I didn't hear what he was saying, but Mei's brows pulled together.

"I am not," she muttered under her breath. "Do not flatter yourself."

The two of them stood Amyr up and set him at a corner as far away from the Triangle as possible.

Belial was already behind the table, checking the ingredients she had requested. She seemed very edgy since we left Halja. Every now and then, she would reach inside the pocket of her robe where she always kept her flask of liquor, but then, she wouldn't take it out anyway.

"Everythin' seems to be in place," she noted glancing up at Cairo and his familiars who were watching as she started the ritual. "What're you standin' there gawpin' at me for? Move your good-for-nothin' asses and lug the Woman inside the triangle!"

Two of the familiars scrambled to Adrianna, hesitantly nudging her before they carried her to the middle of the triangle. I joined her, kneeling near the Helcium shard.

Vladimir's Binds were slowly breaking. Belial must have noticed it, too, since she was haphazardly mixing her ingredients in a hurry. The moment she was done, she scattered the powdery mix around the triangle.

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