I nearly get decapitated by a chicken

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I woke up to the sun shining on my face through the window of the orphanage. I looked around "my" room. Ugh. Another day here, my life is Hell. That is if hell was real. I don't believe in God, however I do think the Greeks had something with their myths. I shoved off my covers and got up. I rubbed my eyes and grabbed some stuff. I brought my shower basket, a red bra, my black dress, black pantyhose, and ankle high converse. I went down three flights of stairs and into the girls room. There was no one in here, it was 5:00, I didn't expect there to be. I turned the water onto scalding and got in. The water felt good, and I warmed up a bit. I got out quickly though, everyone would be pissed if I used up all the hot water. I put on my underwear and bra, then my black pantyhose, then my black knee length dress. I laced up my converse and stepped out and walked up to the sinks, the only place with a mirror. I wiped away the condensation and looked at myself. I was deathly pale, with black waist length hair and brown-black eyes. I pulled my hair up in an intricate design, using Bobby pins with plastic pearls on the ends to hold my curly hair in place. I put everything that I wasn't wearing back into my basket and headed back upstairs. I climbed out the window and sat looking out at the New York landscape. Next door I saw a boy, about 17 with a pen. He clicked it and it turned into a sword. Oh god. Am I seeing things? I shook my head and went inside. I slipped on a pair of short denim shorts and stuffed my iPod in them. I got it after working at publix for a month. I had hated it. I laid on my stomach studying my human anatomy book. I was particularly fond of the bones section. I had always wanted to be a forensic anthropologist. It was and always would be a dream of mine. I was 14, and I could dream. I knew I would never live that long though. I'm not depressed or suicidal or shit like that, it's just a gut feeling I had. And my feelings were never wrong. It could be that I would his never go to collage or anything, but I would just have to wait and find out. I felt a slight tingling between my shoulder blades. I put it off as sleeping funny. I got on the bus at 6 and rode to school. I had on my black jacket, with interior pockets, so I pulled out my iPod and stuffed it in there. I connected the earbuds and strung them up my sleeve. I turned on some Imagine dragons and listened to the world fade away. My friend Grover got on the bus and sat next to me. I moved my hand away from my ear and paused my music. "Hey, Grover. How's life?" "Ok I guess... How 'bout you Vi?" "Good I guess, I would like to change certain things though." He nodded in agreement and I went back to my music. I got bored and wrote some stuff in Latin. Including my name. Bis Vixit. Twice lived. Wherever my dad was, he was probably laughing his butt off at that. All the kids at school did. They called my biscuit. It really pissed me off. I looked out the window, noticing all the shadows on everything. I was never really an optimist. When we got to school I stuffed my book into my locker and headed to first block. As soon as class started the loud speaker beeped and the dean spoke. "Biscuit, biscuit go to the gym, the dean would like to speak to you." Damn, even the teachers couldn't pronounce my name. I walked into the gym and found Mr. Koalplan pacing. He saw me and he howled. He started to change, into a horse rooster? I blinked and rubbed my eyes, this had to be a dream. That's when the front, horse half, showed its teeth. They were sharp, pointy fangs, and there were more than two rows of them. I grabbed the nearest long pointy object I could find. That just happened to be a broken maple baseball bat. Eh, could have been worse. I could have grabbed a pool noodle. The creature/teacher thing charged at my, I dove out of the way, slashing it on the side as I moved passed it. I guess that's one time when my ADHD actually helped me. I looked at the thing and it's name popped into my head. It was a Hippalektryon, and they were supposed to be very rare. And here I was attacking it with a baseball bat. I had just narrowly missed being decapitated with the things razor sharp back leg/claws when Grover bursted into the gym, distracting me. Mr. Koalplan took the opportunity to rake my flesh with his claws. He got me in the right shoulder and right below my dress, slicing my calf, I was bleeding everywhere. Grover pulled something out of his pocket, it was kind of bronze and metallic, but I was kinda lightheaded and dizzy so I couldn't see it. I couldn't tell where the pain was coming from, it was one or all of three places, in between my shoulder blades, my leg, or my shoulder. Black ringed my vision and I felt my consciousness slip away. The beast must have cut me deeper than I though. I slowly blinked, waking myself from a dream of nothingness.  I was in a weird place, a new place. There was a face, and another, and another.

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