Finding out your life has been a lie isnt fun, i speak from experience

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"She is Thanatos' daughter. I didn't believe it to be possible, but here she is. And she has wings." I touched my new wings and looked at them. Anger was building inside me. "I'm right here you know! Still as clueless as ever! Anyone care to explain what the hell is going on here!" Nico looked at me, "well, have you heard of the Greek myths?" I nodded, "Well, there true, Thanatos, the God of death is your father. You are a Demi-god." I felt like I'd been slapped. But I knew it was true. "Ok." They looked kind of shocked, but not in a bad way. I stood up and tested my wings. I could feel the muscles moving and working as my wings beat in time to my heart. I kept my height at 3 feet off the ground. I slowed and sank back to the floor, smiling. "Nico, can you come here a moment?" He obliged to Chiron's wishes and they whispered amongst themselves for a moment. Chiron walked back over to me. "Nico will be giving you the tour, and you'll be staying in his cabin, because your families are friends." I nodded, my life could be worse. Nico led me out of the house thing. "That was the infirmary." We kept walking, to the top of a small hill with a shed on it. "This is the weapons shack. You get your weapon, or weapons here. This might seem a bit strange, but the weapon chooses you, you don't chose it." "I understand." He opened the door and flicked on a lantern. Woah, this place was bigger on the inside. I walked up and down the aisles. There was one place that kept calling me. I walked over, it was a display of black metal weapons. There was a sword with a black blade and a bronze hilt wrapped in leather. I picked it up, it felt right. There were words on the blade. Soul reaper. There was a black gem centered in the hilt. I touched it and it morphed into a necklace with a delicate chain and black gem. I touched it agin and it transformed back into a sword. I turned and faced Nico. "Defiantly this one." "Stagion Iron. Normally only wielded by children of Hades. Is anything else calling to you?" I shook my head and put on my new necklace. We walked outside and he closed the door behind us. We walked to our cabin and he showed me where I would be sleeping. We walked back outside in time for a bell. "Meal bell, it's time for dinner." He said. I followed him. There were plates and cups on every table, and a large hearth in the middle of the pavilion. On the steps up there was a large crack in the marble. It emanated death. I pointed to the fissure, "You made this," "yes, I summoned the dead to save Percy Jackson." We continued on upwards to the platform. Everyone turned and looked at me. I sped up, following Nico's lead. He got his food and made an offering to the gods. I did the same. I had just sat down at the empty Hades table when Chiron walked up and told me to stand. "Everyone, please welcome Vi, daughter of Thanatos." There were loud whispers flung around. I sat back down, ears burning. "I hate the attention to..." Nico spoke, frightening me a bit. I folded my wings so I could sit, and dug into my pineapple and ham pizza. I drank root beer with it, and just enjoyed the meal. Well, as much as you can when you feel eyes watching your every move. I finished early and retreated to my cabin. Nico followed. He finished up the tour and went to bed. I took off into the night, testing out how my wings worked. I loved them. I had never felt more free, more whole. I dropped down in front of my cabin, folded my wings and walked inside. Nico was already asleep, so I closed the door as quietly as I could, ran into the bathroom, pulled off my dress and threw  on my tank top and silk shorts. I climbed under the maroon and black bed spread and drifted off to sleep. I woke up to Nico prodding my side. "Go away" I grumbled as I woke myself up. "Not gonna happen." He said. I sat up and he left, satisfied he had done his job. While he was walking out the door he said, "breakfast starts in 30." This got me moving. I jumped out of bed and got going. I took my shower, threw on my red tank top, black shorts, converse, and sword. I braided my hair and walked outside. The sun blinded me and I stumbled backwards. I backed right into Percy. "Oh, Hullo percy, sorry about running into you..." "S'ok." He said. "Hey, you have to meet my girlfriend, Annabeth." He lead the way and I followed him to the Athena cabin.

Daughter of Thanatos (discontinued- currently re-writing)Where stories live. Discover now