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If there wasn't something important going on I would have laughed at some of their pjs. Clariese was wearing some with cute little cartoon boars on them. I stiffed a laugh with my hand, Nico was the only one who heard. He gave his small smile. I put on a strait face and looked around for the danger. A pair of hell hounds burst out from the forest and Nico took off running. In their direction. All the campers looked at him like he had just been claimed by Iris. I moved up and the bigger of the two started licking him. He rubbed its fur, it kept licking him. The smaller one stood behind the other, apparently nervous about coming here. I moved up, my sword lowered, but still out. "Vi, meet Ms. O'Leary. She's my pet hellhound. And that one," he gestured to the smaller one, "is her daughter. What should we name her?" "Uh..." Nico was clearly loving the fact that these dogs were here, but the rest of the camp looked kinda angry. That they were dragged out of bed for this. "Tenebris." My voice surprised me, I said the first thing that had come to mind, and I guess it was good, because the little hellhound stepped up and licked my face. I stood still, mentally cringing. I didn't know if I could trust them. But I trust Nico, and his judgment. I tapped the gem and put my necklace back on. If this oversized puppy decided to attack, I had other weapons. "Tenebris seems to like you, and her new name. I like it too. Darkness, perfect for a hellhound. So, I know your nervous, but their perfectly friendly. In fact Ms.O'Leary here has helped me on multiple occasions." "Okay..." I replied, moving a little closer to him. He waved good bye to his dog friends and we headed back to our cabin. Covered in dog drool. When we got there Nico changed his shirt and I took off my armor. That was the only thing covered in spittle. I sat on my bed and listened to the sounds of the Hades cabin. It was quiet in here. Peaceful, and I had my friend to share it with. He walked over and sat next to me. "So, earlier you had a nightmare. Care to tell me what it was about?" I gave him another hug and pulled back. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs. "Well, you were being tortured to get information from me... Every cut you got I felt, and it was a hundred times more painful, because... Well, I know my fatal flaw. It's loyalty. Me, well, I'm fine with pain, I almost don't feel it anymore. But when they cut you, there was nothing I could do to stop it. I was powerless, and I had to chose between saving you, or the world. It was killing me on the inside." He moved closer to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I unfurled and snuggled into him. He was alive and okay. That's all I needed for now. The lunch bell rang and I lifted my head. "Let's skip lunch, there are more important things." He spoke, almost to softly for me to hear. He cupped my cheek in his hand and lifted up my face so he could see me. I looked into his eyes, they were a chocolate brown color and looked like they belonged to someone who held the weight of the world. And yet here he was, putting on his brave face for my sake. I couldn't help but feel endless admiration for him. He went around camp with people taunting him, making fun of him for who his dad is. They were stupid not to see what and who was right in front of them. And it hurt that sometimes he listened to their nonsense. I looked at his face, studying it. If anything happened, I would definitely want to remember this. He hugged me and let me rest my head on his shoulder. I held on to him, and he let me. I dot trust easily, so this, and him, were very important to me. I fell asleep and woke up to the traditional wake up call. Nico was poking my sides. I laughed slightly and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I was a bit angry about being woken up, but then he spoke. "Dinner time." He stood while I stretched out, and then we walked to the pavilion together. It was good to have such an amazing friend. And tomorrow was questing day. So that would be fun. Before we leave, I'd better train with Calum tomorrow... I followed along with my routine of offering to the gods and eating my food with a blue dr. Pepper to drink. Today I was having cheese pizza. Delicious, delicious cheese pizza. Nico looked at all the food on my plate, and at my chalice of blue, sugary, carbonated soda. "You know, if you hadn't been claimed I would probably be saying you were a daughter of Poseidon." I looked over at Percy's table. He was sitting alone, enjoying the same meal as me. Only his pizza was Hawaiian style. And he never drank blue dr. Pepper, it was always blue Diet Coke. But other that the eyes we looked kinda similar. But not too much alike, you could tell we didn't share the same mother. My facial architecture was different than his. I had higher cheek bones. "I guess your right. But I think I'd probably be the one Poseidon kid who accidentally drowns, just knowing my self." I joked. "You probably would be." "Hey! I wasn't being serious!" I smacked his shoulder, "At the time... But yeah, I'd probably accidentally drown." We laughed, I thought for a moment. "What if your dad was the God of wheat?" I asked jokingly. Me and my jokes. Ha ha ha... Sarcasm, what a wonderful thing. "Nah, he's annoying, and his farming website sucks." "You speak as if you met him." "I did, in Italy. His name is Trip, he turned me into corn." His expression was serious, he was telling the truth. "What is it with people and turning you into plants?" He blushed. "Persephone only turned me into a daisy once, and I just can't live it down can I...?" "Not while I'm alive." My tone was confident and playful. I had already finished my dinner, so why not? "Then I'll just have to kill you!" He said in a way you could tell he was going to get me. And tickle me until I cried. I jumped up and took off running. He shadow traveled and popped up besides me. Well, if that's allows them so is flying. I took off and landed on the side of the rock wall. In a place where he would never find me. But he did. He chased me around camp until finally caching my in the cabin. But by that time we were both to tired to do anything so we just kinda went to sleep. I was to lazy and tired to change so I ended up wearing my outfit from the day to bed. I woke up in the morning to Nico poking my side. Ah, familiarity. I got up and went about my normal routine. Shower, shave my legs, get dressed, brush my hair and teeth, go eat breakfast. A normal day, except today I got to do whatever I wanted. I had no schedule to follow.

Daughter of Thanatos (discontinued- currently re-writing)Where stories live. Discover now