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Nico had the curious look on his face as well. "Was that you?" He asked, whispering so no one who wasn't eavesdropping could hear. But they were. I grabbed my pizza and quickly are it, Nico caught on and downed his food too. I had just finished off my drink when Nico vanished. I jumped slightly. Would I ever get used to shadow travel? Probably not. I got up and left, Calum could find his way back to his cabin. I stepped onto the marble steps and took off into the night. The wind ruffled my feathers and blew stray hairs into my face. It felt good to be back in the sky, using my wings. I let out a sigh, the wind ripped it away from me as if I had made no noise in the first place. I landed in the clearing and climbed up the tree. Nico was sitting on the branch, waiting on me. I smiled, and he did. I sat down and began the conversation. "So.... I guess I call this meeting to order." He smiled a little brighter. "Always a sense of humor..." He spoke under his breath, looked at my face and spoke a little louder this time. "So, we should work on your powers. What better place to do it than here." "Yup." I hopped down, letting my wings open to help me land. I was graceful, but then I tripped over a rock. Nico wrapped his arm around my waist and caught me. "Thanks..." I managed to get out, red was covering my face now. I hate feeling embarrassed. I walked to the flattest part of the clearing and closed my eyes. I reached inside for my wild side, the side that could kill with a glare. I let it consume me, taking over. I pictured a whip of fire. I cracked it, reining in my powers and opened my eyes. One was showing the light of the world, the other highlighting the shadows. I created black and white around me, the power of the colors fueling me. The only thing in color was my red tank top and red lipstick. That's right, I was wearing blood red lipstick. The ground in front of me cracked open and a horde of the undead bursted up. The color from them was also sucked out. There were spirits, ghosts, skeletons, zombies, and so on. I looked at Nico questioningly, he shook his head. He didn't do this. I focused all my pain onto the dead. They all crumpled to the ground, hissing as if I had just hit them with the crucio curse. I released my pain from them, drawing it back inside. They stood up and looked ready to fight for me. I ticked a single muscle in my hand and they crawled back into the earth. The crack closed behind them like a zipper. I smirked and turned. My wings were unfolded. I summoned back a dead solider who decided it would be fun to be punished. I gently fluttered my wings and he crumpled, he stood and copied what I did exactly. He was my puppet. I took off and he lifted into the air as well. I waved my hand and freed him. He bent over, tired. I was surprised the dead could be tired. I turned him into my puppet agin and walked up to him with my weapon drawn. I cut his arm. There was a slight minuscule ti filing in my arm. Like a fly had hovered above it. Just the slightest press of air. This would work well for me. I could sent my soldiers into battle, they could die and I wouldn't feel it. This is good. I focused on the shadows that surrounded the clearing. I bent them and shaped them with the slightest muscle movement. I built two thrones out of shadows. I walked up and tested one. Solid. Nico sat in the other. I stood and waved them away. Nico walked around looking at what I could do. I was tired. Only slightly, but still. Tomorrow is questing day, I have to save up energy. I pushed out my anger and pain, extending the colorless area. I pulled it back in and all the color returned to the surrounding areas. My vision went back to normal. I turned to Nico. "Well, that was fun." My knees felt slightly weak, so I flew. I sat in the tree branch and rested for 5 minutes. That's all it took for me to recover. Using that many powers all at once should have fired me out, based on what happens to the other campers, but here I was. Completely fine. I hopped down. This time I managed not to trip. Nico looked at me with a happy grin on his face. "That was fun..." We both started laughing. The sheer insanity of what I just did coming crashing down on me. It was hilarious. But awesome. I could do something no one else could. I felt useful.

Daughter of Thanatos (discontinued- currently re-writing)Where stories live. Discover now