beating Percy, Oil Paints, and sleeping

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Who first?" A young squirmy boy stepped up. They battled for all of three minutes before Percy disarmed the kid. I watched Percy as he beat all the others, noticing his style, his moves. I was the last to go. I stepped up, raised my sword and the fight began. He swung at me right side, I blocked, he swung at my knees, clang, I blocked him agin. Swing, block, swing, block. I was getting bored. I swung where he would most expect it. What he didn't know was that I had planed this. I twisted my blade and wrenched his out of his hand. I pointed the tip of mine at his throat and forced him backwards. I picked up his blade and held it in my right hand. He smiled, "good job." I nodded my thanks and handed him his weapon back. I turned and began to walk away. Turn around. My gut told me, I did and Percy was there sneaking up on me. I nocked his sword away agin and kept walking. On to the next activity. I didn't do to well at archery or knife throwing, but I was very good at agility and air combat. Everything just came naturally. I went to my cabin and sat down on my bed. I opened a book, fiction, as always, and re-read it for about the sixtieth time. I wasn't dyslexic like some of the other campers here, but I did have ADHD. Nothing ever held my interest for very long. I heard the door open and shut. I put a book mark in my book, closed it, and looked up. Nico was here. He walked over to his head and flopped down onto his stomach. I smiled and said, "welcome home." He looked up, "Bad day I'm guessing." He answered by putting his face back down into the pillow. "Get up." I spoke harshly, he just lay there, I got up, walked over, grabbed his hand and pulled him out of his bed. "I was resting." He protested, I shook my head. "Tsk tsk, you think you can fool me?" I said in a mock serious tone. "Seriously though, what's wrong." "Well, got beat up by a couple of water nymphs for 'looking at them like a perv' and all I did was look at the ocean! I mean seriously, those nymphs are annoying." "I agree". I spoke, even if I had only been here a day or two, I already knew who and where to avoid. The girl that I threw 30 feet was named Clariese, and she was one of those people you had to avoid. "So, anything exciting going on in your life?" "How so?" "You know, just in general." "Well, I'm a child of Hades, I radiate death and everyone hates me, but it could be worse, I could be damned to Tartarus. Agin." "I agree, life could be worse, but not everyone hates you, I don't. I don't mind death." He looked at me and smiled, I blushed. "Thank you vi, I needed that." He moved closer and hugged me. I felt my ears heat up even more. Why did this boy give me that feeling. I pulled away and looked into his chocolate brown eyes. "Would you like to know why everyone else doesn't like you?" "Yes," "Well Nico, first off your a child of the big 3, one of the most powerful might I add. And I can sense an aura of power radiating off of you, they look at you and think 'i wish I was like him' and if they don't think your awesome, then their just plain stupid. Got it?" "Got it." "Good." I smiled. It felt good to make him feel better, after all, every word I said was true. He was awesome, and I saw how all the others looked at him, I thought they were pathetic for it. They were weak. And stupid. Nico gave me another hug. I was glad I was sharing a cabin with him. I moved back and grabbed a sketch pad. I drew Nico sitting on his bed smiling. "Do you like it?" I asked, holding up the charcoal drawing so he could see it. "Yes, would you mind if I put it on the wall?" "Where would we hang it?" "No clue..." "How bout up there?" I said pointing to a place about 8 feet in the air, a piece of trim was on the wall separating the light grey from black. "Looks good." He spoke, I was already in the air. I taped it up and lowered my self back to the ground, folding my wings behind me.  "Can I touch them?" He asked, "my wings?" "No, your oil paints," he said sarcastically. "I mean your wings." He spoke in a softer tone. "Of course." I spread them out and I felt his hand lightly touching the feathers on my left wing. A slight chill danced up my spine, it felt weird, having these new limbs attached to me and all. He stood I front of me, looking into my black eyes. I swear he was looking into my soul. I blinked and Nico was gone. Grr. He made me really mad sometimes. Eh, to tired to care right now. I'll focus on that tomorrow.

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