Chapter 1

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Blake’s POV

I heard the phone buzzing in my bag but I had no intention to speak to anybody tonight. I’ve spoken enough words for today and my throat felt like it was swelling inside. I let my body relaxed itself when I lay on the bed. I looked over to the empty bed opposite mine. My previous roommate dropped school few weeks ago to ‘follow his dream’ to becoming an actor. Good for him. I noticed the buzzing stopped and while my lower half of my body was still on the bed, I reached down to my bag and grabbed my phone.


A voice startled the hell out of me. “Open the damn door, Blake!” I grunted softly, running my fingers through my hair. Reluctantly I left the comfort of the bed and opened the door. “Wade.” I rolled my eyes as I said his name. Wade smirked and walked in and closed the door behind him.

“Come on, Blakey. Tomorrow’s Saturday so let’s go out tonight,” he said as he sat on the empty yet made bed. Blake didn’t like the thought of an empty bed in his room so he made it up just in case any of his friends will crash in his room.

Blake huffed and lied back down. “I need to recharge for tomorrow.”

Wade made a confused look. “Tomorrow? You got class? Discussion?”

“I’m going to Murrow Park tomorrow. You know, pictures?” he replied. His friend groaned in protest. “You know weekends are my hobby time so you should give up trying to persuade me to go out drinking or meeting girls.”

“Hey, you can meet other people too. Not only girls. I mean, you never really dated in the past right? Who knows guys might be your thing?” Wade suggested. “I hate human. I only like the nature,” Blake sighed in reply. The both of them were open the LGBT thing and believed everyone should love anyone they felt the connection to. “Aww, come on. Who knows you’ll find your prince or princess charming tonight!” Wade insisted. And Blake, being the stubborn mole he was, still wouldn’t back down. He glared lazily at his friend while mumbled curse words.

Wade raised his hands in defense. “Your loss, man. See you later,” he said and left. Blake sighed in relief and looked at the time. It was only 8 but he felt sluggish and sleepy. He had to wake up early the next day to go to Murrow Park as the park is famous for having beautiful ambience during dawn and dusk. He just had to go there and see it for himself.

His stomach growled in protest and he giggled from the silly noise it made. He got up, grabbed his wallet and phone and left his room to catch a simple dinner. He had been in the dorm for more than six months but he had never met his next room neighbor. The dorm has double bed rooms and single bed rooms. Usually the single bedrooms were reserved for seniors or graduate students who wanted to focus on their study. The room next to his was a single bedroom. He assumed it was a senior but he never crossed paths with the room owner.

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Gasps and moans filled the car. Hands roaming across their faces and necks. “Are you sure you don’t want to come in?” she whispered seductively.

He pursed his lips and shook his head. “You know I don’t do that, Megan.”

The pretty girl named Megan climbed off his lap and smiled. “For me?” He laughed at her attempt. “Sorry, Megan. I can’t. You’re a pretty girl. You know that. But I can’t be in a relationship with you,” he said, stroking her hair out of her eyes. Megan smiled and patted his cheeks. “You’re too nice, Clyde. You should take advantage when a girl offers herself. I don’t mind, you know? Meeting only for sex. I like how you treat me in bed,” she winked and opened the car door.

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