Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Clyde’s  POV

It had been over a month now that Blake and I were together and all I can say, I was always looking forward to tomorrow. I felt a weight lifted up from my back and that once emptiness was now filled. I was even a better man.

Gavin noticed I didn’t really flirt to anyone anymore. And that I really wasn’t looking at someone, or his words “You don’t find anyone attractive anymore?”. I chuckled at the thought. Maybe he was right. Blake was beauty. Blake was intelligence. Blake was innocence. Just thinking about him made me feel giddy. I hoped I had the same effect on Blake, though.

Unfortunately, finals for him are coming in three weeks and he had been spending more time with his course mates. I understood, he told me before that his study was no.1 for him right now and I respected that. It was like that for me too. I had a project presentation coming up in 3 weeks as well and my final exams will be in the next 4 weeks. After that, I graduated.

But Blake would still be here, doing another 2 years and a half until he graduated. What would happen to us then? I would surely be working. I had applied an open position at a good robotic engineering company and they agreed that if I maintained my 3.8 CGPA, they will offer me a one-year paid internship program. Few of my previous seniors already worked there and so far from what they told me, all interns would definitely get a permanent position. Hey, I played around a lot yet but I always took my study seriously too.

I knew I needed to talk about this with him. And I hoped he won’t mind that I was planning a long term relationship with him. Was it normal that I had him in mind whenever I was thinking of planning a trip, buying a house and all that marriage stuff?

I unlocked his dorm room and sighed at the mess. His books were stacking on top of each other, his notes were sprawled out on his files on the floor but his clothes were neatly folded in his dresser. In a way, it was a good thing that he had no roommate this year. He was lucky. Only seniors or dean-listers could get a single room like I did.

I had always wanted to tidy up his room but never got the chance. Whenever we were alone we would make out and do pervert things. Cough. Not that I mind, but this room needed a makeover. At least just a bit of tidying up. And that I did.

It took me over an hour to clean, dusted off, stacking books and vacuum the whole place. I sighed in satisfaction when I looked around. I looked at the time and it was already 6pm. Blake’s class ended in another 30 minutes but I was already starving. I messaged him to get us some great dinner as I had a surprise. I went back to my own room to get a shower. When I stepped out, I noticed my phone was blinking.

“What surprise?” his voice softly danced in my ear. I smiled. I knew he loved surprises. “Something something,” I replied. “Aren’t you in class?”

This time I heard him chuckle. “Class ended early. I’ll get us some big fat fried wings and fried rice or something. Drinks?” he said. I thought for a while. “Mocha,” we both said the same thing at the same time and then we laughed.

Mocha was officially our couple drinks. Heh. Now I was blushing.

“See you in a few, bye!” he said and hung up. I quickly put on my clothes and I heard a knocking on Blake’s door. I frowned for a second and thought of telling him that Blake was not in yet. As I was about to turn my door knob I heard that someone kicked and punched the door and a sound of someone running down the hallway. I quickly opened to door hoping to catch a glimpse of the guy but failed. Few people came out from their room due to the noise.

I reached up my hands in surrender. “It wasn’t me,” I stated. “We’re all stressed, man. No need to punch an innocent door,” one of them said. Another student frowned and shrugged and they all went back inside.

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