Chapter 2

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Blake’s POV

Holy shit! I didn’t know he was my neighbor. But how come I never saw him around? After I locked the door, I went to wash up in the bathroom and stripped into a T-shirt and my boxer. Since I was alone in the room, it was comfortable to be in minimal clothing.

I jumped onto my bed and tried to succumb to my sleep. The night’s event was so ridiculous. The next door neighbor whom I never saw turned out to be THE Clyde Vollmer, the most sought out guy in campus or so they said. When he first introduced himself just now, of course I knew him. It didn’t register to my brain when he first said that. Plus, I was so sleepy. But when he flashed a smile, his hazel eyes brightened and then I recognized him. The fact that he was never around would only mean one thing, he was notorious for sleeping around – one night stands only though. Even some girls from my class became his victims. I overheard some of them talking about him, about how he treated them nicely and kindly and gently and that it was such a waste for him to not commit to a girl or guy.

“So, he’s a bi, then?” I whispered to myself. Lord of the dreams slowly crept up to me and eventually caught me before I realized I was deep in slumber, tired myself out from the busy week.


The music box alarm in my phone woke me up from my dreamless sleep. I stretched on the bed and got up slowly. It was 4 in the morning and there was still laughter and noises around the building. I went to grab a hot shower to rouse myself as I need to drive somewhere later. Then I remembered I forgot to tell Clyde what time I need to get to my car. I cursed myself and went next door. 

I stood in front of his door and planned what I should say and knocked on the door. I heard something moved inside but after a while the door was still closed. I knocked again, a bit louder this time and the door opened, revealing a tousled hair Clyde wearing only his briefs.

“Yes, Blake?” he asked and smiled dreamily. I swore he was still sleeping since his eyes were still shut.

“Sorry to wake you up but I need to get my car now. And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you what time in the morning I should leave,” I said, afraid he would be angry with me. I cringed when he popped his eyes opened. “But if you can’t I’ll just…walk there…” I said and started to walk away when he grabbed my arm.

“Blake, wait. I’ll drive you. Let me get ready for a minute,” he said and patted my arm. “Okay, I’ll grab my stuff while you get ready,” I replied and stormed into my room and grabbed my camera bag. I checked all the memory cards and batteries and after I made sure they were all in the bag, I carried it on my shoulder and turned around. 

I had left my door opened and saw Clyde leaning on the door frame. His eyes studied my room and his eyes fell on the empty bed which was now occupied by my books. “No roommate?” he asked. “No. He quit school to become an actor,” I said, awkwardly standing by the door. “Sweet! A room for yourself!” He exclaimed.

He both stared at each other for a while before I broke the silence. “So, can we go?” I asked. He smirked and said, “Let’s go.”

I got into his car and we drove off.


Clyde’s POV

When I was stirred from my dream, I found the adorable freshman, Blake standing at my door. I looked at the time and wondered why he was so early.

I smirked when I remembered his forest green eyes. I had never seen that much green in one’s eyes before. I felt like I could just drown in them.

“Where are you going so early in the morning? What’s that your carrying?” I asked, pointing at his bag. “Murrow Park. I…like to take photos of nature, well since I’m taking Earth Science so it’s kinda related…,” he answered. “You like nature a lot, huh? I asked.

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