Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Clyde’s POV

I grabbed a quick lunch takeaways and went up to my room. The letter was still there and reached down to read it. As I suspected, it was from the same guy who wrote Blake the yellow memo, only this time he sounded desperate.

How I knew it was a guy? Well, he wrote something about fucking Blake’s hole, that son of a bitch.

I finished reading the letter and angrily crumpled the letter and threw it on the floor. A part of me wanted to just burn the damned thing but I knew if anything happened, I could use this as an evidence. It has been a while since I got this upset and my head was spinning so I sat down on my bed.

The letter came KNOWING Blake was away. What was he playing at? Was he trying to taunt me instead? The idea seemed to fit. But I didn’t know who it was. It couldn’t be Doyle, could it? Well, my judgment had always been wrong so far so I didn’t know what to think. I could ask Blake about him later tonight…and possibly told him about the new letter arriving.

I spent the rest of the day hanging out with my other dorm mates in the play room down at the basement where we played Xbox and PS3 and few were playing pool behind us, waiting for night to come so Blake could call me.

Night came so I went to the café and ate dinner with some of my friends.  We went out for drinks later and almost got caught by the night guard because we barely missed our curfew.

As soon as I entered my room, my phone rang to display Blake’s name. “My sweet angel of heavens, how may I help you?”

I heard him clicking his tongue and I swore I could see him rolling his eyes. “Why do you always do that when I call you?” he asked. His voice soothed my longing immediately. I chuckled and dropped on the bed. “How was the conference?” I asked, trying to contain myself. Oh, how I wish I could touch his porcelain skin and soft hair.

“Absolutely awesome and terrifying at the same time. Here I am, just a college freshman while others are like researchers, top shot CEO or something,” he sighed. “Hey, don’t cheat on me!” I teased. I heard him giggled. “I would if there’s another Clyde Vollmer over here,” he replied. “Don’t you dare! What about tomorrow? Your flight home is the day after tomorrow right? You didn’t tell me the time you’d arrive,” I asked.

“Tomorrow will be a continuation of today’s theme but different topics. Some of the people who came today actually were against exploration! Can you believe that? They said it’s one of the reasons why nature worsen! The heck? The reason for exploration is to discover these endangered ‘nature’ so we can protect them better!” he almost shouted in the phone. I pushed my phone away.

“Calm your horses, Blake. There are different people in the world with different opinions. That’s why they come to the conference to share their opinions,” I explained. I heard him took a deep breath. “Yea, I know, I know. I was just surprised…by the way, yea…my flight will be in the morning so I should arrive around 11 or so,” he said.

I smirked and continued talking to him. I was not sure how long we talked only when I opened my eyes it was already morning and when I reached to get my phone next to my pillow, the battery was dead. I got up and stretched. I plugged my phone and got it charged while I went to shower.

I turned it on and saw a message from Blake.

“Hey, perv! You dozed off while talking to me so I had to hang up. It was around 3. Get some more sleep. See you tomorrow <3. PS: Hold it in.” His message was this morning and it was already one in theafternoon. I had plenty of sleep.

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