Chapter 4

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I was contemplating whether to get another shut eye or to upload the photos I took earlier and edit it in my laptop. I didn’t hear the door next to mine closed so I figured Clyde might be going to somewhere else. I sighed and dropped my bag next to my bed and slumped on it.

The memories from this morning came flowing rapidly. I could feel my face heated for that reason. Clyde was kissing my hands and stuff. I knew he was some kind of a player but everyone knew he never two-timed anyone. And that he would always turned down any commitments. Some people say he was just that kind of guy, the guy who tried to get it on with everyone. But some were more positive than that. They said he was trying to find true love so he can be committed to that one person.

It wasn’t like I was the one. Even if I wanted to.

But nonetheless, I appreciated his sweet talk this morning. I haven’t really dated for a long time now and I missed that kind of contact. Hands touching and fleeting kisses. Or maybe I was just being a hopeless romantic.

I decided it was better to get some nap first. I had no plans to go anywhere after all. Might as well stay in my room and edit the photos later. I took off my jacket and my dark jeans and only in my T-shirt and boxers, I fell into a dreamless sleep.

Only to be woken up rudely a few hours later by the sound of my phone screaming next to my ear. I cursed inwardly for forgetting to turn it into silent mode. Without looking at the screen name I answered it.


“Oh, hey bro! You just called me few hours ago. What’s up?” I lied back on the bed and rub my head.

The faculty just called me. They need me by next Monday. So I’ll be coming down tomorrow. Just figured you should know,” my brother, Ivan said.

“Why such short notice? Did something happen?” I asked, feeling concerned. This wasn’t how the faculty does things. I heard a muffled silence on the other line.

Well…” Ivan started. “Apparently, one of the rock samples they got from the Estorhin excavation site suddenly combusted and turned into ashes.” He said nonchalantly.

I immediately sat up on my bed when I heard that. “Spontaneously combusted? H-how? But, that’s the beach—“

Calm down, Blake. That’s why they need me a.s.a.p. We’ll talk more tomorrow. Fetch me at the airport? I should arrive around 11 in the morning,” Ivan cut him.

“Sure. See you tomorrow, Ivan.”


Blake was up early the next day. He didn’t hear anything from the next room and figured Clyde must have been on his promiscuous adventure all day yesterday. He somewhat felt crestfallen by his own thought.

Well, it was nice while it lasted, he thought.

He showered and grabbed an orange juice in his mini fridge. He cussed when he realized he forgot to charge his camera battery. He was thinking of bringing it along and would show his brother the pictures he had taken yesterday morning.

The time showed that it was almost 10am. It would take him an hour to reach the airport, minus the traffic so he decided it was better if he leaves now.

On his way towards his car, he saw his coursemate, albeit from different year leaning on his car. “Blake!” Gavin called him out. “Hey, Gavin. What’s up?”'“Now, I want you to be honest with me. Did Clyde do anything to you?” he asked in a serious tone.

Blake stared at him in confusion. “What do you mean?”

Gavin narrowed his eyes as if trying to see if he was bluffing or not. “Clyde’s my best friend since high school so I know how he is. And I bet you know about his reputation.” Blake realized where the conversation was going. He remembered how Clyde touched his hands and kissed them. And how his heart faltered at how he was treating him. Again, he blamed the romanticist in him. And knowing there was no way Clyde would treat him special. Clyde was like that. He treated everyone the same.

“Nothing. He just accompanied me to take some photos. We just happened to find out we were next door neighbours so we decided to get to know each other,” he replied, smirking. Gavin ran his finger through his dark brown hair. “Ok, good enough for me. I’m just concerned for you, Blake. You’re like a brother to me.”

Blake gasped in surprise which earned another gasp from Gavin. “What? What?”

“Speaking of brother, I need to go now to fetch my bother at the airport,” Blake said and started to climb into the car. “W-ait! Wait! Your brother? You don’t mean Ivan Wyse?”

The younger man almost chuckled at the older man’s expression. His brother was no stranger to the Earth Science community. In fact, he sort of had a celebrity status among his peers. “You want to come?” Blake offered.

Gavin’s eyes sparkled. “Hell yes!”


They arrived just in time. As soon as they walked in towards the arrival section, his brother walked out, dragging his luggage behind him.

“Ivan!” Blake called out. Ivan whipped his head around and saw him. “Hey!”

Gavin’s POV

Sweet Goddess of Mercy finally shone her lights on me! I admitted I had some sort of a man-crush on this man, the famed Dr. Ivan Wyse who was currently the top Earth Science researcher, specializing in geoscience even though he was not even in his thirties yet. The same course I took.

I couldn’t help but stare at him while he walked over to us, or specifically towards his brother. His hair was the same colour as his brother, light brown, almost sandy coloured although his hair was longer than Blake. He was also taller than the latter, given him being the older one. And he didn’t look like he was 27. He looked as if he was still 20! Okay, I was just exaggerating but you get the point.

“Who is this?” Ivan turned to look at him suspiciously.  “He’s my senior in Geoscience course. His name is Gavin. Gavin, meet my brother, Ivan,” Blake explained and introduced them.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Dr. Wyse,” Gavin took Ivan’s hand and shook and quickly pulled away. He was nervous but tried to keep it cool which he was sure he failed because Ivan looked up at him and smirked. He cursed in his head when he realized his hand was cold and sweaty. 

“Let's get going. Which hotel are you staying at?” Blake said. But Ivan’s eyes were still on me. I appreciated his attention. I really did. But the look he gave me was nothing but flattering. “Are you going out with my brother?”

Blake and I looked at each other in shock. “Ewwww!” the both of us said at the same time and laughed soon after. “We worked in a project together, Ivan. There’s nothing special between us,” Blake explained, still giggling in between. I nodded, agreeing with him.

Ivan narrowed his eyes on me and suddenly, the hostility look he had quickly dispersed. “Well, since you’re in Geoscience, you might as well be my assistant. If you want to, that is,” he said with a smile.

I swore my heart would drop here and now. This was too much.  This man-crush was totally spiraling out of control.

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