Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Blake’s POV

I couldn’t stop giggling like a kid when a horse stopped by the fence me and Clyde were at and licked my hand. A guide passed me a carrot to feed to with. I put out my hand with the carrot in it and the horse immediately grabbed it and began to eat it. The brown mane of the horse fluttered in the wind and I was just awed by the whole experience.

“You’re acting like you never seen a horse,” Clyde chirped in. He had an amused look on his face. I couldn’t help but smiled brightly. “I never seen one live, like up close like this,” as if on cue, the horse came closer and nuzzled its nose on my hair. I chuckled again.

“You want to see a foal?” the guide asked.  There were other people there as well but they didn’t respond. They might’ve already seen it.

I swore  I turned my head 90 degrees abruptly to the question in delight. “THERE’S A BABY?” I asked excitedly. The guide laughed at my reaction and nodded. “Yea. It was born two days ago.”

I turned to Clyde and beamed. He put his hand in front of his face and mimicked as if he was looking at something bright. I punched his shoulder and he chuckled. We both followed the guide into the stable and sure enough there was a light brown foal lying next to its mother. And I lost it.

Clyde’s POV

Blake has always been soft spoken. He had this raspy voice that sounded hoarse but it sounded sexy to me. So I was surprised when he squealed and awed at the baby foal without ‘breaking’ his voice. He then cleared his throat apologetically at the guide who in turn signaled him to tone down.

He was asking questions I never heard of which I guess related to animal science or some sort. I was never really interested in animals so this intrigued me much. I knew about this ranch after one of my previous dates took me here. He was in our university equestrian club so I guess it was normal for him to take me here.

“Clyde?” I snapped back to reality when Blake squeezed my arm. I looked at him. “You want to stay a little longer? We’ve finished the tour,” he said. The guide tipped his hat and left us. “Do you want to?” I asked him. “Well, you’re the driver. Do you want to? You look tired though,” he replied.

I smiled at his consideration. None of the people I went out with had ever treated me this way. Sure, being selfish with the one you were dating with was normal. But none ever asked me my opinion. I encircled my hands around his waist and pulled him towards me so out chests were touching.

He yelped in surprise and immediately put his hands on my shoulders for support. He looked up at me, blushing. I didn’t know how my face looked like right now but my face was hurting from smiling. I released a hand and tilted his chin. His eyes twinkled as if comprehending what was about to happen. I leaned in and kissed his soft lips. He closed his eyes as he let out a gentle sigh.

I took away my hand from his chin and trailed it along his spine and he moaned at it. I took the chance and French kissed him. He moaned louder when my tongue played with the ceiling of his mouth. Both of our tongues danced together. His hands began to wrap around my neck and that just made our kiss deeper. I could feel my lower region twitched excitedly and to be honest, I’ve never been turned on with only kissing.

Blake Wyse was a natural. He intrigued me like never before. And to make matters interesting, he was just right next to me for the past 2 years. What the hell was I doing? Screwing people all over campus, looking for no strings attached relationships and living the ‘college life’. I was wasting my life away. When all this time, this angel was living right so close to me. I knew he wasn’t perfect. But to my eyes, he was.

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