Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Clyde’s POV

My head was spinning around the letter. It was apparent that Blake was shocked and upset with it, and I was too.  I wished to bring the letter to the police but I knew how it was. There were no attacks on Blake and I and the police would only take action if there was proof.

“We can’t request for a restrai---oh, we still don’t know who it is,” Blake asked then answered his own question. We both ended brainstorming how to handle the situation while on our way back to the campus. “True. We still don’t know who it is and we don’t have any proof. The letters are nothing,” I continued.

I heard him sighed loudly and rubbed his head. “I think I have a jetlag.”

I laughed at that. “You flew for 5 hours and you can stay awake for another 24 hours and you flew for one hour and you’re getting jetlag?” I teased him. He slapped my arm immediately. “Shut up. I can’t control my own body as much as I want to,” he replied.

“Oh, really?” I teased again. “Perv,” was all he said.

We finally reached out dorm and he took out his luggage and we went up to our room together. As we got closer, I noticed the door to my room was slightly ajar. I held a hand to Blake who was standing next to me to be quiet. He frowned for a while until he saw my door.

The lights were off and I remembered locking the door from inside and twisted the knob few times to make sure it was properly locked.  Blake was leaning close to me as we moved towards the door silently.

I stepped in and pushed the door slowly. To my surprise, I felt something heavy and blunt hit the side of my neck and fell forward. I hit the carpet and I heard myself let out a groan. The last thing I heard was Blake gasping in surprise and his muffled voice before darkness embraced me.


Blake’s POV

I remembered letting out a loud gasp when I saw something hit the back of Clyde’s head as soon as he stepped in. I almost lunged forward to grab him when I felt a hand grabbed my arm instead and my mouth was covered with a piece of cloth soaked with chloroform.

I tried opening my eyes but it felt like I had been asleep for days. I tried blinking and I noticed my breath was heavy. Slowly, visibility came back to me and I saw someone looming over me on what I thought was a bed.

Instinctively, I knew it wasn’t Clyde. I squirmed trying to move away but I felt both my arms behind me and my legs were restrained.  I felt something cold on my chest and this time I shifted myself sideways so I fell off the bed. My head hit the floor and that was when I finally woke up to see Clyde lying on the floor with both of his hands and feet restrained.

“Clyde…”I murmured and yelped when I felt a hand grabbed my arms behind me and flung me back to the bed. I looked up and finally saw the attacker.

“Mr. Doyle?” I exclaimed in shock. He smirked as he touched my cheek gently yet I felt disgusted. “Well, hi there Blake,” he said in a weird head tilt.

I looked around the room and realized we were still inside Clyde’s room and the lights were turned on now. My luggage was right by the door as if to prevent us escaping. I finally looked down and saw my torso to my stomach was naked while my shirt was ripped aside as the buttons were missing. My jeans were still intact thank God.

“Call me, Matthew, Blake,” Mr. Doyle said suddenly and I turned to look at him. There were lust and hunger in his eyes and I tried to think rationally as to why he was doing this. “It was you?” I asked, straining my voice.

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