Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Blake’s POV

I didn’t have any classes left for the day so I escorted my brother back to research room where we both were wary of the stalker guy. “Have you told Gavin about what happened this afternoon?” I asked him as we walked to the lab door. “Yea, he said he’ll come over once his class ends for today,” he replied. I frowned at a thought. Why Gavin?

“Ivan,” I started. He looked at me and smiled. “I know what you’re thinking. That boy is smitten with me, Blake,” he answered. I rolled my eyes and giggled a bit. Smitten was an understatement. Gavin never paid anyone attention if he wasn’t serious. He might be captivated by my brother. I knew several, scratch that, lots of people, men and women who threw themselves at my brother. I realized how superior he was than me. He was smarter, he was more charismatic, he was more attractive than me so it wasn’t a surprise really, when he got himself few stalkers. I dodged a bullet there. Though, thanks to our mother we’re kind of on ‘beautiful’ men side. I won’t lie but I knew I was good looking. But I won’t use it to take advantages.

On the other side, my brother seemed oblivious to his own looks. Though, he seemed to realize he had some kind of effect towards people. I guess him being busy all the time contributed it. He had taken a role of a father when our father died.

“I trust your friend, Blake. I feel safe around him. Not once did he try to touch me,” he added. I snickered at that. Oh boy, whatever Gavin was doing, it was working. But knowing my brother, he won’t give in that easily. “Alright. Please tell me if anything happens. I’ll be over at Clyde’s,” I told him. He waved a hand at me and disappeared into the lab.

I went to take my car and drove to the dorm. I was about to enter the entrance when a girl stormed out of the building covering half her face with her hands. I stepped back to give her way and she walked passed by me in a hurry. I heard her sniffing when she got into her car.

“Andrea! It’s a long time ago! It cannot be mine!”

Clyde came rushing out of the door and halted when he saw me. I looked up at him and back to the girl who has now driven away. There were people stopped by and looked at us. Some were peering out from their windows looking down at us.

“Way to go, Clyde!” someone shouted from one of the windows. I raised my brows at Clyde. “I…will explain,” he started, clearing his throat. “Yes, you will,” I said and followed him to his room. Someone, a sophomore like me stopped me. “He’s not worth it, Wyse,” he teased. I smirked and slapped his shoulder. Another chimed in, “Don’t do this, Blake. You deserve more.” I laughed at them. It felt like they were trying to lighten me up. I was surprised when I saw Clyde was the one making the girl cry but I knew better not to be judgmental. There had to be a reason.

“Oh, buzz off guys,” finally Clyde uttered as we went into his room. Sounds of chuckles were heard outside the hallway. I sat on the edge of his bed. I knew I might sound immature but the memories of this morning came back to me and I flushed at that. He walked by and sat next to me, fiddling with my fingers.

“That was Andrea, one of my ex-girlfriends,” he started. I nodded, urging him to continue. “She’s almost 30. I broke up with her 5 months ago” I widened my eyes at that. “You didn’t seem to have any standards,” I said bitterly. He sighed and rubbed his arm. “I know. I was that easy. Anybody who has interest with me I’d just say yes. But not anymore,” he said, looking at me. “Why she was here when you already broke up with her,” I asked him.

His hand interlaced with mine. “She said she’s carrying my kid,” he sighed. I almost jumped. “What!?” I stood up, removing my hand from his. “Listen, Blake…”

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