Chapter 11

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It was 1:42pm. In 8 minutes, Maya will be coming. "Is it too late now to say sorry," my whatsapp notification ringtone blurted out. I took my phone and saw the message. "Will be 1 minute late babe. Stuck in traffic jam. It is moving now babe. Sorry." It read. It was obviously from Maya.

It was 1:50pm. 1 more minutes. I was literally counting down. "59,58,57,56,55,54,53,52,51,50...." I was counting down under my breath.

Ding dong! Ding dong! I heard the door bell. I was so excited that I ran to the door and opened it. But it was the pizza delivery. My happiness vanished into the air upon seeing the lady. But my happiness did not vanish for a long time.

When the lady removed her cap and looked up, I realised that it was Maya. She pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back. I felt my shoulder getting a little wet. It was Maya crying. I didn't want to ask her to stop crying. It is better to cry things out rather than bottling it up in your heart, ya' know?

I brought her to the hall. "Hey Maya." Everyone said as they hugged her except Louis. "Papa, why you never hug my bestie?" I asked Louis. He shook his head in disagreement and walked towards Maya to hug her. He felt awkward. I don't know why. He hugged her and sat on the sofa.

We know that you two are together. Don't act so much, I heard mummy ( Harry ) say. They giggled and then Zayn brought the cake tray to the hall. "Please help yourself my dear friends." Zayn said. All of us took our favourite cakes.

Nando's delivery. I heard. It was the 7 Peri Peri Chicken that I ordered. We ate and watched movies. That's how we spent our time happily......

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