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Today is thursday. And i decided to sing EXO BABY DONT CRY.
I practice many time per day hoping i will be able to get in to SM.
" FOR GOODNESS SAKES! WHY AM I HAVING FEVER TODAY?" i shouted into my pillow. As your can see,am having a light fever and i hope by sunday,my fever will gone.
Great,now my fever did not gone but it became higher but i dont care! I still am going to the audition tomorrow.
I call oppa to tell him that i going to the audition and to pick me up tomorrow.
Phone call.
Me:annoyhasaeyo! Oppa is me jaemin!
D.o: oh JAEMIN! I miss you, we have not been meeting. You have been rejecting to meet me. And how is your fever?
Me:ow... sorry, my fever is better and i call you to tell you that i am going for the audition at SM tomorrow so can you pick me up?
D.o: hm... thats ok but your fever...
Me:aiya! Is just fever, pick me up at 10 tomorrow and the audition will start at 12. Bye! Saranghaeyo!
I say and end the call.

On the another side.
D.o pov.
Aish this girl, at least wait for me to finish my sentence right. Nado Saranghaeyo i whisper and kiss the phone.(idk why i put that.)
"Hyung ah! Its time for practice and we are all waiting for you in the car.!" Chen say and i walk up to the car. While setting down on my place,suho Hyung ask. " kyungsoo ya! Why are you talking so long just now? Who are you talking to?" "Hm... am talking to my future wife." "WHAT?!?! WHEN DID YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND AND YOU NEVER TELL US THAT YOU ARE GETTING MARRIED?" chen,suho,kai,chanyeol and lay shouted in my ear at the same time and the same word.
"Aish! My ear la! I will introduced her to you tomorrow after her audition in SM!." I tell them and they give me a satisfied smile "aish thjs rew childish guys." I thought and smile.
Sigh, my fever is quite high. I thought and drag myself out of the bed. Now is 8 am and my alarm just ring. I walk to the bathroom and shower, brush my teeth and wash my face
Still have one more hour. I took at a rip jens and a shirt which show a little bit of my waise. I took of my rop and put on my cloth. Dry my hair and take out my curlers to curl my hair then i put on some light make up. I sit on my bed since there is 30 more minute till 10. I took out my ipod and plage my earpicese on. I was listening to exo baby dont cry while singing and reading wattpad. I did not notice that it is 10 already and oppa was at my door keep knocking it and i did not realise until oppa call me using phone.
Phone call
D.o:JAEMIN AH! I am already at your door,can you please open the door? I habe been knocking for about 10 minutes alr.
Me:omg am so sorry oppa
Call end
I went up and open the door and apologies to oppa. I went down and wear my heels. I dont really wear heels but since i am going to the audition,it might look better. I walk in the car after i bid goodbye to my mom. My fever is still on but i a little bit better now. After about 1 hoour or so,we have reach SM.
"Wow!" I was amused by how big the company is. "Close your mouth." Oppa say while pusing up my chin. "Hehehe" i laugh and oppa bring me in. "I will wait for you and bring yoh to lunch later." "Ok bye!" I say and kiss his cheek.
"There is alot of people but SM will only take in 10 people per audition." I thought. People when in and come out. Is very long till my turn.
"Miss jaemin,is yout turn,please go in" a girl call my name and i say Thank you to her before i went in.
After about 20 minutes? I dont know, i come out of the room i tell oppa that i will be going to the washroom first and he nod his head.
"Phew, i hope SM will chose me sl that i wont disappointed my family and oppa." I thought and wash my hand.
Suddenly, i feel dizzy and i try to support my self with the wall but in no time,i could only see a pitch black...

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