introduction of EXO.

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Our wedding is in two days time! Omg,i feel so excited.we have done inviting our close friend,relative, and more. We also haired gards to protect us from those saenseng fans from ruining our wedding. I have to go to school today, i drag my body towards the bathroom and shower brush my teeth etc.

In school. (Lets just skip,hehehe, lazy author)

Well we are in the car, "oppa yea,can we go hung out with the exo member today? I want to introduced my friend to them, my friend is a hard core fan of kai. But we will go home and prepare first and will meet you guys at the school roft top"

"Sure,why not? I will tell them later about this." He reply and i smile at him.

As usual, all the girl are standing at the gate. Waiting for kyungsoo to arrived. When me and d.o get down of the car, the screaming got louder and everyone were rushing towards us or rather d.o. the gard manage to stop them and make way for us to move in the school. I could feel death stare given by the fangirl and calling me name like.
"Oppa,come to me,she is ugly!"
And more,but i ignore it. When we reach class, i walk to song yi and " SONG YI AH!" "Yo,what up?" "Song yi ah,today after school, we will be meeting the exo member you can go?" "WHAT? EXO MEMEBER?! SRE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS?!" She shouted at me and the whole class turn and start whispering.
"What? Exo? That kpop idol?
"Exo? What happen to them?"
"Exo? Are they going to meet them?"

"Yea! Song yi! Dont shout can! What if later the whole class know and they wanted to come." I scold her.
"Ops,sorry. But i really can meet them?" "Yes,yes you can" i say. "Omg,omg,omg, later after school after you done preparing, can you come over to my house? I need help on preparing my self." "Ok,ok" i reply and the teacher come in. "CLASS! GO BACK TO YOUR PLACE AND STOP CHIT CHATING!" the teacher shouted at us and everyone went back to their seat.

"Song yi ah,you go to the cafeteria and wait for me,i need to go to my locker to place my book first." I tell her and she nodded at me.
I went to my locker and place my book. I was about to go to cafeteria and meet song yi went a hand suddenly appeared beside me and bang on the locker door. I look up and saw V i instantly got angry. "WHAT THE HELL?!" i shout at him. "Jaemin,come back to me or you will regret it" He told me and i simply say "WTF?! YOU CALL ME TO GO BACK TO YOU AND YPU EXPECT ME TO LISTEN? IS YOU DUMP ME LAST TIME AND NOW? WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" I ASK HIM. "I just want you to come back to me,please. I miss you." He say and i slap him. "NO WAY IN MY LIFE I AM GOING TO GO BACK TO YOU! I HATE YOU!!" i shout at him and walk back to cafeteria.

V pov.
"If thats the case,you will regert on your wedding." I told my self and walk of to my other friend.
Jaemin pov.

"Oh hey, jaemin you are here!" "Hi," i say and sit down after taking my food.

After school.

I was deep in thought when suddenly someone grab me.
I turn around and saw d.o
"Oppa,you scrare me." I say and pout." "Oh sorry, are you going home?" "Yea,i got to go home and prepare. And i also have to go to my friend house and help her to prepare first." I say and he nodded.

I reach home and i immediately when for a shower first since is really hot outide these day. After i done showering, i wear my crop top and a short then,i let my hair down. Put on some make up and give a call to Song yi.

Phone call.
Me:song yi ah,
Me:i am going over your house now, have you done showering?
Her: Yesh,am choosing my cloth. But i just cant pick a nice want and my room is in a mess now.
Me:omg,stop watever you are doing now and sit down on your bed i will go over now bye!
End of phone call.

I take all my stuff and walk to the bus stop. Soon,the bus come and i get in.

"Ding Tong!" I ring the door bell and i could hear someone running down the stair.
"Jaemin! Finally you are here, lets go!" Before i could say anything,she pull me into her room.
My eye widen O.O when i saw her room. "Your room... is in a mess! Omg." I say and face plam my head. "Hehehe,sorry. I just can't pick my shirt. And you told me to sit on the bed till you come so i sit there and wait." She say and smile at me.

I sigh and say"ok,so now lets choose your clothe." I say and started to pick the clothes up one by one. "Hm...since its the first time you guys meet,you should wear dress." I say and pick up a dress. "WHAT THE HELL?! YOU EXPECT ME TO WEAR A DRESS? NO WAY! EWWW,I HATE DRESS,IT MAKE ME LOOK GIRLY!" She say and take the dress away and throw the the pther side of the room.

"Fine,how bout skirt?" I ask." "At least is better then dress" she say. "Ok, i pick up a crop top like mine amd a skirt. "Ok,go wear this now." I say throw the shirt at her. "Huh? This?" She say while standing up. "Yesh, this now go, we dont have much timeeee" i say and push her into the bathroom

After she come up, i smile at her and pull her to the dressing table and call her to sit down. "Close your eye." She nod and close her eye. After about 5 minutes, "done,now you can open your eyes." She open her eye and her eye widened. "Omg,what did you do to my face?" She ask and i smile at her. "Make up, you look to plain, and this light make up only. Ok,so where is your curler?" I ask and she pointed at the closest. I took out and plunch in the electric plage. I start to curl song yi hair and she keep moving. "Yea! Stop moving or i burn your hair!" I say and she stop immediately.


"Ok all done!" Now take your stuff and lets go." I say and she grab her stuff and went down with me. We take the bus and we reach school soon. We waited at the bus stop and soon,we saw a black van stop in front of us and d.o went out. "Hi! So this is your friend?" "Yesh, this is jaemin, and jaemin,this is kyungsoo my..." "her future husband!" He shouted. "Okok, lets get in the car." He say and i pull song yi into the call. "Hm... there is two sit left,one beside d.o and one is beside kai." I smirk as i push song yi to kai. "Kai yea,song yi will sit beside you and i will sit beside d.o" i say. "But..." "no but!" I cut in song yi word and sit beside d.o.

The car start moving ad our position is like this.

Suho-driver beside him is luhan,
Second row(right to left): lay,chanyeol,kai and song yi.
Third row(right to left):kris,sehun,d.o and me
Fourth row(right to left): xiumim,chen,baekhyun and tao.

"Where are we going?" I ask d.o as he say that we are going to a shopping centre. I turn my head and i saw song yi and kai chatting happily."hm...i guess they are having a good time" i thought as i turn back to my phone.

Kai pov.
Hm... this girl is so funny she is cute as well. I thought as i continue to make some joke. We soon reach the shooping centre and this is suho father shooping center so it is close for today but we get to go in,so that there is no fan girl. "Ok,we reach." Suho hyung say and all of us get down the van and get into the shopping centre before all the fangirl crush us. "Lets separate into groups and before that, can we have this girl introduced?" Suho hyung ask and eye jaemin.

" AH!sure.Song yi,come here." She say and song yi run to her. "This is my best friend,introduced yourself." She say and give a smile to song yi.
"Ne,annoyhasaeyo! Song yi immda." She say and bow 90 degree. "Ok,so i am sure we not need to introduced our self right?" Suho hyung ask and smile. "Yesh, i know you guys very well." She say.

"Ok,so the first group will be,
Kai,Song yi,D.o and Jaemin.

Second group will be, sehun,luhan,me,Lay and Xiu min.

Thirt group will be,
Kris,Baekhyun, tao,chanyeol and chen."

A/N: I lazy to type the shopping stuff and this chapter is already very long for me. So next chapter is fhe wedding chapter and... something scary will be happing!

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