My Alpha Mate

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Thank you for reading my book. I will be updating a few times a week. Please comment if I have any spelling mistakes I am the worst speller ever. Enjoy. Please note this book is copyright.


Please do not copy or rewrite this book. Thank you


Run. It was the only thought going through my mind as I ran through the forest in my wolf who was pure white with a single a black ear, away from what remains of my pack house. My name was Cassi. I was 19.

I had been a normal day until I heard the screams

"Rogue!" The sound rang eerily through the air.

I heard their screams as my pack members fought the rogues. I saw my father being torn apart by one of them. My mother and I were locked in the attic hidden from the rogues, I didn't know why, but they would find us soon. We were the only ones in my family left. My two baby sisters could not be found and with the rogues I thought the worst. I silently cried for them as my mother hugged me.

"Cassi" my mother whispered "I'll hold them off you must run and escape now! Please, you must try. Don't look back"

I silently clambered out the window and ran. But I made a horrible choice and looked at what once was my home and saw as the attic tumble down in flames with the rest of the house.

The memories still haunted me, fresh in my mind as I cried. For all the lives of the only family I ever had. All my friends. My parents. My sisters.
I didn't know what to do, the tears streamed down my face like a never ending faucet, so I choose a direction and ran.


I know short and sad i will make them longer this is just the prologue. Thank you

If you have questions throughout the book please comment and I will answer.

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