Chapter nine

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Olivia's P.O.V

My plan might still work.

"Alpha" I called to Jacobs father. It was still a form of respect to do so, even after dating his son for so long.

"Please call me Armando, Olivia" he said with a grin "i've told you a million times."

Man, why does he have to be nice. It will make it harder to kill him. To think he actually trusts me, how foolish.

"Listen, I don't have that much time" I said" there is and emergency in the Forrest, it need you immediately."

"Get Jacob, he's the alpha now."

"He is-um attending other business" I quickly reply. He gives a nod and we hear out.


"Okay what is the emergency?"  asks Armando.

"Why, don't you remember who I am?" Someone asks why a sly grin

"Hello josh." I say ad I give him a quick peck on the check.

"Wha-" Armando is cut off.

I threw a dagger into his heart, and watched it sink as his shirt turned crimson.

I got some of the blood with my hand and scrawled a quick note.

if you ever want to see your father again, you must trade your mate. If you do not we will kill your father and take her ourselves. You and your little mate can't hide forever!

Of course I had already killed his father. We can't risk him getting away. Unnecessary loose ends.

But who else knew. Jacob loves his father. There's no way he wouldn't react. I chuckled to myself as my hauled off the retired alpha into the dark.


Holy s$€% she just killed his dad. What will happen. Suggestions, comments?

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