Chapter twelve

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cassis P.O.V

As I walked to the witches cottage I nearly shat myself.

It was a house half encased in a tree with palm tree canopy's lining the roof. It had empty glass bottles tied to the trees branches, hundreds, dangling with the light passing through. There was a faint glow coming through the window.

Mason was the bravest and went to the door to knock.

"Come in" said an eerie voice. We all visibly gulped and walked inside. There was a small woman who looked about 40. She had purple hair, and a snake tattoo going all around her body that almost seemed to move with her.

"Can I help you?" She asked. I quickly nodded. "Well...."

"Oh-umm..." I was lost for words "what can you tell me about the white Luna"

"Yes, I know you are the white Luna." She saw my face gap open "I can see the future. I know she will have amazing powers"

"Like what?" Asked Harold.

"She will have amazing strength, the power to control people, and total control of the elements" she finished. I gasped. I could learn control elements! This is straight out of a comic book.

"But she must learn first"she stated.

"With who" I asked.

"Me of course. Every day at 4pm you will come for a 2 hour lesson"

"Who exactly are you?" I asked cautiously as she tried to make plans with me.

"I am Nacora the witch" she said laughing hysterically. Her eyes were milky, but shared knowledge way beyond her years.

Great, she's actually crazy.

Jacobs P.O.V

Where was she! What if the witch killed her. I couldn't live with myself.

I decided to focus on sending multiple search parties for my father, and to keep an eye out for any strange sightings. I had my men working day and night but to no avail.

Oh god. She should have been back by now. Not even a call. What if sh-

My thought were cut of by someone kissing me. I felt familiar sparks realizing it was Cassi and immediately kissed back.

"Guess what!" She said jumping up and down. I smiled too, her happy mood rubbing off on my gloom, "I have magical powers so you have to listen to me" she said tapping my nose with a smirk.

Wait, listen to her? Me. The alpha. Ha.

"Oh really" I said giving her another kiss. Amused and contented, even if it was just for one moment, to have such a wonderful mate.


Thank you for reading! I HAVE ALMOST 200 READS. so thank you guys.

please read my best friend lwwy13 book called the alphas rogue mate

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