Chapter eighteen

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Jacobs P.O.V

I licked the mark and smiled at it. Ever since I met Cassi iv wanted to mark her as mine. SCINCe she would be meeting the rest of the pack soon the males needed to know to back off. I wasn't about to have the unmated wolfs sniffing around her. 

My mark healed to become my initials j.r. In a small heart.

She looked at me and smiled. For a split second everything was perfect, we kissed again and the electricity was intensified by the fortified mate bond.

But then she frowned.

"Olivia. she is trying to kill me" she blurted out.

All I saw was red. No one. NO ONE, threatened my mate. Especially not my best friend from childhood. 

I walked into Olivia's room nearly breaking the door down in the process.

"Finally got rid of that whore to came back too me?" She said in a sickly sweet tone, laying provocatively on her bed.

I growled "I know your working with the rogues and your sister, what's her name? Christy. Cassi told me. YOU ARE PLOTTING AGAIST MY MATE. THAT IS AGAINST WEREWOLF LAW, BEYOND DISRESPECTFUL. LIFE SENTENCE IN PRISON, OR WORSE, DEATH!"

"listen Jacob I liked you and all but-" she shifted and ran toward me catching me off guard. She was about to kill me.

Two wolves a white wolf with black paws and a golden wolf tackled Olivia and did not hesitate to rip out her throat for assaulting their alpha. 

"Thank you..." I started.

They ran out and shifted putting on clothes and walked in.

"Savannah" said one.


"Thank you savannah and Claudia, your work saved my life" I nodded and walked out.


"Cassi" I called out into our room" I saw her putting on a dress for the Luna party tonight. My eyes immediately darkened.

"Mine!" I growled kissing her mark. She moaned.

"I have to get ready!" She said.

"You look perfect" I mumbled against her hair still hugging her.

"not enough for a first impression, now go! Ihave to Finnish my make up!" She pressed her lips against mine briefly.

I sighed giving up and going to take a quick shower.

Cassi P.O.V

I was very nervous.

Extremely nervous.

What if they don't like me. I sat waiting for Jacob to call me up introducing me as the Luna.

"I am pleased to announce I have found my mate and Luna, Cassi" Jacob called.

Here goes nothing.


I want to thank you guys 400 READS !!

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