Chapter twentyfour

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cassis P.O.V.

"Cassi, wake up!" Jacob practically screamed. Who shoved a stick up his ass? It is so god damn early. I audibly groaned. God what happened?

I growled " five more minutes"

"we are under attack"

"Rogues?" I shot up from the bed. He nodded grimly.

I ran downstairs and outside. As if I were still in a dream everyone was fighting and clawing at each other. It was a blur and flurry of teeth and snarls. Blood soaked the earth in the clearing.

Claudia was being tackled by a large wolf but Harry came and ripped his head off, mumbling something to Claudia, and nuzzling her wolf, helped her up.

I saw savannah get tackled by a rogue and it wasn't looking good. Mason was preoccupied fighting the rogues 'beta' even thought they don't have official rankings.

I tackled the wolf on top of Savannah and bit at his neck. Summoning my newfound Luna strength, and channeling what Nacora had taught me.

I was suddenly scratched across the face by a large black wolf.

The black Luna.

"Wow Jacobs a hottie" she said with a wolfish smirk provoking me."if you can imagine what I'm going to do when we win the battle. I concentrated hard, studying on my own the past few days and created fire, throwing a ball of the molten red at her. She dodged it and I try knocking her off her balance using had bursts of wind.

She lunges at me and I throw a wall of rocks to stop her in her tracks and she is thrown down. I saw her readjust herself, and shake off the excess gravel snarling at me. She focused on the wall and sent it flying towards me, faster and taller than before. She had powers too!

That won't work anymore. Time to fight.

Jacobs P.O.V.

Fighting and ramming, killing tons of wolves, I tore through them like paper men. They have so many rogues. How did they get them all together? I've never seen this in were history.

I turned to my friends, Mason just killed off a rogue fighting with savannah. Harry was fighting as well with some other rogue . I turn to see a small rogue with fear in his eyes staring at me hunched over, backed up against a wall. I wonder if all the rogues wanted to come, or if any were forced. I curiously look at the rouge instructing my men to allow surrender, till I heard a scream.


I see Cassi fighting an all black wolf, I could only assume is the black Luna. She's larger than cassi, and covered in battle cuts, and bites.

She is about to deliver the final bite on cassis neck. Don't interfere with fate Jacob.
She clamps her jaws around cassis neck.
Blood pours out.

I lounge

Cliffhanger ! Don't worry I'm not that evil I will update today. Thank you

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