Chapter 5 ~ Comforting Shane

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(Shane's POV)

I am so pathetic.  I am so ugly.  I am so fat.  I am so stupid.  These are the things that go through my head as Joey tries to calm me down.  I am such a pussy for crying.  I am so weak.  I can't do this.  Joey and I sit down on the top set of the stairs.  He puts his arm around my shoulder and allows me to let out my sadness.  When I finally stop crying, I feel numb and empty.

(Joey's POV)

My heart aches as Shane finishes crying and just sits there.  I want to reach out and tell him how much of a mistake Lisa is making, but I know that that would make Shane cry even more.  The best I can do is put an arm around his shoulder.  "You okay?" I ask.

"No.  Just leave me alone for a day or two" Shane replies looking at his feet.

"No! I'm not going to leave you here! Not in this state." 

"Fine." says Shane.

(Shane's POV)

Crap.  Joey is going to see me in this disheveled mess for even longer.  It's not like I can tell him to leave.  Even if I did, he wouldn't go anyway.  Truth be told: I'm glad there's someone here to comfort me.  We go sit on the couch.  Then Joey leaves me to go to the kitchen.  He comes back with a box of tissues, a cup of steamy tea, and a box of cookies.  I'm grateful but weary of the cookies.  I might get fatter then I am.  

"Do you want to watch TV?" Joey asks.

"Sure." I reply.  But somehow, every show we flick to seems to show love and relationships in its plot line.  Even in Spongebob Squarepants, Patrick get a girlfriend.  We decide it would be best to turn the TV off.

"Joey, I'm serious.  I need you to go." I say.  

"Shane, are you sure?"

"Yeah, my mom will be home soon."

"Okay then." Joey gives me a hug and leaves.

My mom won't be home for a while though.  I go to the bathroom.  I look in the mirror.  Look at yourself, now does it make sense why Lisa broke up with you?  Aside from your hideous body, you are the most creepy person ever.  No one likes you.  Even your mom says you were an accident.  That's all you'll ever be.  An accident.  The world would be better with out you. Hisses mirror Shane.  I know that he's right.

I go downstairs to the kitchen.  I find a knife.  I think about the sadness I'm going through.  I need something to distract myself from it.  I put the blade to upper forearm.  I slit. I grimace as dots of blood drip through the cut. Ahhhh....feels good. I hear the front door being jiggled open. Oh shit...

(Joey's POV)

I walk back up to the front door of Shane's house.  I forgot my phone upstairs.

(Shane's POV) 

I pull out a jug of cranberry juice from the refrigerator.  I spill it and grab a few towels to put on my arm.  I want to make it look like I wasn't cutting.  I can't let Joey know.  He wouldn't understand.  He is perfect.  I picture him in my head, "Oh my God Shane! You are such and emo freak! Go cut yourself some more skank!"  Joey walks in.

(Joey's POV)

"Hey Shane, I just left my phone upst-" I stop talking.  I see that Shane spilt juice.  But there was a knife on the table as well.  The towels were two different colors.  What that blood?  "Shane, what is this?

"Juice." he says, looking down at the mess.

"Give me your arm." 


"SHANE! GIVE ME YOUR ARM!" He backs away. His teary eyes are wide with fear.  I shouldn't have shouted!  "Shane, please..."  Shane sprints for the bathroom.  I run after him, but he slams the door and locks it before I can get to him. Oh Shane...


You know the drill! Comment and tell me what you think of this chapter, give me some suggestions! Love y'all! -Lauren

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