Chapter 7 ~ Lisa's Friend

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(Shane's POV)

I watch Joey drive away.  He is such a good, understanding friend to me during this difficult time.  We should hang out more.  I'll text him later when I get home.  Then I remember that Lisa just broke up with me and Lisa and I will have to discuss who is moving out.  That's just great.

I hop in my car and drive back to our apartment.  I drive much above the speed limit.  I want to sort this out as fast as possible.  When I get to the door, I take a deep breathe before going in.  Should I knock?  I wonder.  No! This is my apartment too!  I take out my key and unlock the door.  I swing open the door with purpose.  I see Lisa jump up from the dining room table and drop her phone.  She picks it up and hangs up with the person she was talking to.  "Yeah, I've gotta call you back." she says.  "Shane, uh...what are you doing here?"

"This is my apartment too." 

"Well yeah but..."

"But nothing.  Who is going to move out Lisa?" I ask snappily.

"Well Shane, not to be rude, but I did make most of the income in this realationship so maybe I should keep the apartment.  Plus, you have your mom's house!"  says Lisa quickly.

"Fine.  That makes sense.  I'll start packing."  I say.  I don't want to make this a big deal or anything, and I don't want say too much or I might start crying again.  

"Do you want me to help?"

"No thanks." 

"Shane, are you okay?  I realise this must be hard on you but, do you understand why I broke up with you?"

"I'm fine.  I understand."  I lie.  I don't look at Lisa.  Instead, I look directly above her head.  Lisa comes up to me and gives me a hug.  I feel her warmth and I know that I will miss it.  I take in the familiar smell of her hair.  She smells like peeps.  My favorite.  I embrace her strongly in my arms for the last time, holding onto the moment for as long as she will allow.  She breaks the hug and looks up at me, forcing me to look directly into her eyes.  Shane, don't cry now! Don't do it!  

I feel my eyes well up and my vision gets all blurry.

"Shane, I'm really sorry.  Don't make me feel bad for my decision."  a teary-eyed Lisa begs.

"Okay." is all I can say at the moment.  I turn around to the hallways and start gathering my things.  

It takes a long time to get all my crap together.  When I do, I put it in boxes.  Lisa helps me bring the boxes to my car.  We don't talk at all.  When we're finished, I prepare myself to say good bye once and for all.   Then, I heard the engine of a sports car behind me and the source of the sound parks behind my car.  I turn around and see a man get out of the car.  He has dark hair, eyes, and a muscular build.  It's clear that any lady would want him.  "Hey Lisa!  Did you make the popcorn?" he says

"Hey Josh! I havn't yet.  I was helping Shane move out." says Lisa back to the guy.  Who the hell is he, why the fuck does he need popcorn, and how does Lisa know him?  Then it hit me.  Lisa was leaving me for this jerk.  

"Lisa! I cannot believe you!"  I shout at her.

"Shane, we're just friends..." Lisa tries to explain.

"Yeah right!  "Friends" my ass! I understand why you broke up with me! So you could be with this douche!"  I yell at the top of my lungs.

"Shane please...I didn't want to cheat, and I didn't want your feelings to get hurt..." 

"FINE!  I guess I just wasn't good enough for you, huh?  I don't have a sports car or a normal job, but I thought that you could see how much I cared about you!  I thought that you cared about me too!  So you two have a FAN-FUCKING-TASIC movie night!"  I start to huff away, when I feel a strong hand on my back.  

"Listen man, I know this is tough but you can't just-"  the guys starts to say

"I don't want to hear your bullshit." I say.  I spin around and punch the guy in the gut.  He falls to the ground and I hop in my car and drive away.

(Joey's POV)

I hope Shane is okay.  Ever since I found him cutting, I've been worrying about him.  I know that he promised me he wouldn't do it anymore, but I don't think that means much.  My heart aches for him. I just want to know that he is okay and that he isn't doing anything stupid.  Maybe I should call him.  I pick up my phone and dial his number.

ring...ring...ring..."Hello?" asks a snuffly voice.

"Hey Shane, it's Joey"

"Oh, hi."

"I just wanted to make sure that you're really okay.  I mean, I'm worried about you."

"Well thanks Joey.  I'm confused at the moment.  Li...Lis...L..."  I hear sobs on the other line.

"Shane? What about Lisa?" Shane doesn't answer.  "Shane? Shane? SHANE?"

"She left me..."

"Yes, I know but what else?"

"She left me for another guy..."  I hear Shane breaking down in tears again.  I want to drive over to Shane's house and hug him.  I want to tell him how much this hurts me to see him crying over someone who doesn't appreciate him when I love him so much and I'm right here.  But again...I can't do that.  Not now, or maybe even never.

"Shane, are you sure you want to be alone over there?" I ask.  Hoping I will get to help him.  I don't want him to push everyone away when I know how much he needs help.

"I see what you're doing Joey." says Shane suddenly.

(Shane's POV)

"What?" Joey responds.  I know what he's thinking.  He's thinking Oh no, I can't ever leave Shane alone because he's some freak who will kill himself.  I can't trust him with his own body.   I hear all the voices in my head.  You're not even worthy of standing next to Joey.  I don't know how you can live with yourself.  Look at you! You're such a fat-ass! Oh my gosh, no wonder Lisa got rid of you! If I were you even I'd want to get rid of you!  The voices overwhelm me and I feel like I'm drowning. I'm gasping for breath in a never ending pool of cruel taunts.  I picture all of my loved ones leaving me and saying I'm a fuck-up. I hear Joey's voice one more time before my phone slips from my hand and I feel my body fall to the hard, cold ground.


Sorry I havn't updated in a long time! Oopps! Please comment and like and vote and all of that goody goody gumdrops!  I'm pretty busy with swim team so please be patient for updates! Love ya! <3   =) 

 See ya when I see ya!

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