How You Meet.

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Hello!! First Preference!! 


Y/B/N- Your best friend's name

Y/M/N- Your mom's name


Niall: You were walking in the park with your best friend. "Hey Y/N! Come on slow poke." Your best friend said. You two were walking to an open field that you two always go to. "I'm coming! Slow down!" You say. We walked through tree branches until we came upon the open field. We walk to the edge and see five guys kicking the soccer ball (football) around. "I didn't know anyone else knew where this spot was." Your friend says. "Same here" You say walking out a bit. "What are you doing Y/N?!" Y/B/N says. "What? They're on the other side. We'll hang out on this side" You say running out into the field. Your best friend just shook her head and ran with you. It was a good 30 minutes and they didn't bother you two. BAM! There was a soccer ball (football) that hit your head. "Owe!" You yell rubbing your head. "I'm sorry, love" I thick Irish accent speaks. He lets out his hand. "Um, it's alright" You say grabbing his hand. "Let me go get you some ice" He says running to a cooler across the field. You and your friend walk over to four guys just laughing at the Irish boy. "Oh Niall! Smooth move" The curly boy said. "I'm so sorry love" the Irish boy said again and gave me a bag of ice. "I', Y/N" You say "Niall" He says back. After your headache was gone he asked you and your friend if you guys wanted to play soccer (football) and you guys agreed. But you kept your eye on Niall who was keeping his eye on you.

Liam: You just got some new neighbors. Your mom was just so friendly. So she invited them over. "Sweetie. Mrs. Payne is coming over for dinner tonight." Your mom said. "Who?" You asked. "Our neighbors. She said she'd try to get her son to come over too. He's about your age" "What time are they going to be here?" "Around, 6ish" "Alright, Want help with dinner?" You ask "Yes sweetie" You two spent an hour getting dinner ready. Shorty there's a knock on the door. You walk over and answer it. "Hello, You must be Y/N, your mom has told me alot about you" Mrs. Payne says. "Hello, Nice to meet you" You say as your mom comes up behind you. "Hello Y/M/N, My son will be here soon. Work is holding him up" Mrs. Payne says as we motion her to come in. "That's great! Dinner should be ready by then. Had a late start." Your mom says. About 10 minutes later there's another knock on the door. You go to answer it. You open the door to see a brown haired boy with the most dreamy brown eyes. "Hi I'm Y/N" you say "I'm Liam" He says as you two were shaking hands and the moms noticed that you two were staring into eachother's eyes. "Y/N! Come help me finish dinner" Your mom says as you snap back to earth. Mrs.Payne say it in your eyes that you wanted to talk to Liam. "I'll go help your mom dear" Mrs. Payne says as you had a smile on you face. "Thanks" 

Louis: You went to the bar with your best friend. You didn't really wanna go, but she begged and begged. So you decided to go. You didn't want to drink alot. You had a few but you were still quite sober. You had a few guys ask you to dance, but you could smell the alcohol in their breath a feet away. "This seat taken?" A British accent says. "Nope" You say going back to your drink. You listen to what he ordered and could help but giggle. He noticed you giggling "What?" He questions taking a sip of his drink. "Oh nothing" You say "Hey! We have the same drink" He says and we both start laughing. "Y/N" You say putting your hand out "Louis" He says returning the hand shake. You both had small talk. Shorty you drunk best friend comes by. "Hey Y/N" She slurs. "Yes?" You ask "You seem like a loneeer! Go danceee!!" She stutters a bit. "But I don't-" You were cut off by Louis. "Wanna dance Y/N?" He asks. He didn't have a bad smell of alcohol in his breath. "Sure" You say as he grabs your hand. "Go shake that ass!" Your friend yells sitting back at the bar. You couldn't help but grind against him. "Don't be shy" He says as his hands rest on your waist.

Harry: "Come on and get your ass up Y/N! My friend invited me to a house party at his place! He said you can go" Your best friend begs and you are trying to watch Pretty Little Liars. "But I don't know anyone!" You say. "But this is away to make some friends!" She says as she stood in the way of the T.V. "You really want me to go huh." You say "Yes!! Now get your ass upstairs and gt changed! We leave in 15 minutes!" She says as you get up and walk upstairs. You find a comfy outfit and walk downstairs. You drive over to her friend's place. You've never met him, so you don't know what to do. She knocks on the door. "Liam!" You friend says as a brown haired boy answered the door. "Hey Y/B/N" He says motioning you two in. "Y/B/N! Who have you brought?" Another brown haired boy said with a smirk. "Y/N! I told you guys I'd try to get her to come tonight" She says as we see two other girls sitting down on the couch. "Y/N, This is Perrie and Eleanor" "Hello Y/N" They both say at the same time. "Hi" You say kinda low. It was a loud party, which you're not too fond of. Your best friend is just dancing like crazy! Shortly there's the curly boy sits next to you. "What's wrong? You seem alone" His deep voice speaks. I just shake my head. "I don't know really. I guess I'm not comfortable around new people" You say. "Don't be shy, and trust me, I want to get to know you. Y/B/F has told me alot about you" He says with a smirk. "I feel like some were not meant to be said." I say laughing as we kept small talk throughout the night.

Zayn: You were getting a dress for an awards you had coming up. You wanted a cute one but not too showy. Your best friend ditched you for her boyfriend. You needed her for an opinion. You went to four stores in the mall. Haven't found a single one. You sent a text to your friend saying where was she, but she didn't respond. You bet she left the mall. You walked and found the fifth dress store you were going to look at. You walk in to see two guys and a girl looking through dresses. "Lou! Why do I have to be here?" You heard the boy with black hair say. "Come on! You were sitting around the place and looked bored, so Eleanor and I invited you to come with us." The boy that was called 'Lou' said. You started searching through dresses. You didn't mean to, but you bumped into the girl who was called 'Eleanor' "Sorry" You say. "Your fine." She says as she looks at the dress you had your hand on. "That would look great on you!" She responds. "Really?" "Yes! What do you think Zayn?" She asks as Zayn's face shot up looking at you. She had the dress up to you and he couldn't stop looking at you. "Pretty" He says as you blush a bit and Eleanor had a smirk on her face. "Thanks" You say stuttering. "Go try it on!" Eleanor says pushing you into the dressing room. You get dressed and come on out. "Awe! You look adorable! Right guys?" "I think she looks cute" Lou says. I blush. "Yeah, cute" Zayn says looking at you straight in the eye. You immediately took your eyes away from him and go back into the changing room and back into your clothes. "Wanna come join us for some lunch?" Eleanor asks. "Sure." You say as you made your way to the food court and sat next to Zayn. After awhile you two started to talk. Surprisingly, you two had alot in common.


First Preference!! 


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