Who To Choose?

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THIS IS AN AWESOME IMAGINE FOR YOUR NAME ONLY. Just fill in your name where it says (Y/N) ENJOY!!

P.S This is a Niall Horan and Ashton Irwin IMAGINE :) (my friend got me into 5 Seconds of Summer and I LOVE Ashton)

Anyways, let me stop talking so you can read :)

(SORRY FOR ANY MISTAKES, now I'll shut up)

~~~Niall's POV~~~

All I wanted to do was go over to (Y/N)'s house and have a blast, but little did I know Ashton was over. She was in love with him, but I was in love with her.

I don't know how to tell her and I feel like Ashton likes her too. I sat on her left and Ashton sat on her right. We were all watching a movie.

"Hey guys, I'll be right back" (Y/N) said and stood up and made her way down the hall.

We sat there in silent.

"So, Niall, how's the tour?" Ashton asks trying to break the silence.

"Great." I say

(Y/N) comes back out and we both stood up at the same time. Ashton and I both looked at eachother in the eye.

We then heard (Y/N)'s giggle and turned to face her.

"You two are so funny" She says

I look at her weird. Then Ashton goes up to her and wraps his arm around her shoulder. I feel the pain of jealousy run through my veins.

I'm not sure what to do. I want to tell her how I feel, but don't know how. I have a bad feeling that Ashton likes (Y/N) too...

~~~Ashton's POV~~~

I walk over to (Y/N) and wrap my arms around her shoulder. We're buds and I kinda like her. I have a feeling Niall over there likes her too....

Then, (Y/N) atemptes to put her arm around my shoulder, but fails. I laugh at her then she starts to laugh along.

I smile.

"So boys, what do you want to do today?" (Y/N) speaks up.

We look at each other then at (Y/N).

"I was thinking we could go to the beach or something." Niall says and I look down to see a smile appear on (Y/N) face.

"That sounds like a great idea Ni! Is that alright with you Ash?" (Y/N) says so cheerfully

I just wanna make her happy, "That sounds like fun,"

"Yay! Then it's settled, we'll meet back here in an hour!" She says and we both nod.

I let go of her and I head towards the door as I hear Niall walking behind me. I open the door and we both head out.

"Hey Ash, do you by chance like (Y/N)?" Niall asks

"Yeah, why?" I ask stretching out both words.

"Oh, no reason," I can tell he is hiding something.

"Alright then, see you in an hour." I say and Niall just waves as he gets in his car.

*an hour later*

We made our way back to (Y/N)'s house and Niall seemed to have made it back before me. That question earlier made me wonder.

I made my way inside to see (Y/N) and Niall laughing about something. I feel a hint of jealousy run through my veins.

"Oh, hi Ashton! You're here!" (Y/N) smiles at me.

I'll never get tired of that smile.

"So you two ready?" She asks.

"Yes!" I say and grab her hand.

I then started to drag her outside, then she said "Come one Niall!"

We make our way to her car and I notice Niall sit shotgun. I frown. I notice a little smirk on Niall's lips.

What's his problem?

~~~Niall's POV~~~

I have to get to (Y/N) before Ashton does. I love her and he loves her and she loves him and loves me as a friend.

Well doesn't that just sound wonderful for me.

I sit down on the passengers seat and smile to myself. Then (Y/N) gets in the drivers seat as Ashton makes his way to the backseat behind (Y/N).

She starts the car and then backs out of the driveway. It was a silent ride, but then (Y/N) turns on the radio. The radio plays some song she knows.

"Sex and white lies,

Handcuffs and alibis,

She lays her hallo on the pillow when she sleeps,

Her heart beats red wine,

My toxic valentine,

She lays her hallo on the pillow that used to be mine."

(A/N- hi guys. Anyone know the song and artist? Comment your answer!)

I smile as she sings. She sounds so beautiful when she sings. I look behind me and see Ashton mouthing the words. He must know the song.

We sat there singing to some of the random songs that were playing, most of them (Y/N) knew.

We finally made it to the beach. We got out and all ran across the hot sand. Then I saw (Y/N) pull out a beach towel and lay it on the ground.

Then she placed her beach bag on the ground then unbuttoned her shirt reveling a plain black bikini and her tanned stomach.

I couldn't help but think, Damn she looks hot!

~~~Ashton's POV~~~

I looked over and watched (Y/N) place down her beach towel. She then placed her beach bag down on the towel.

I watched her as she began to unbutton her shirt reveling a sexy black bikini top. Her stomach looks so touchable.

I kept thinking, She looks sexy!

I then notice her unbutton her shorts reveling the matching bikini bottoms. I can't believe it. She then glances over at me and send me a smile.

I watch her as she applies sun screen to her skin. I'm going to go make my move.

Then I feel Niall touch my shoulder.

"Are you about to make your move on her?" He asks

"I was thinking about it, why don't you just admit you like her." I say

He starts to blush.

"How is this going to work?" He asks

"Why don't we, um, let her decide?" I ask

He nods and we both walk over to (Y/N). She looks at us both.

"Hi guys!"

"(Y/N), can we talk?" Niall asks.


We both look at each other and then say at the same time. "I love you"

She looked at us shocked.

"We're letting you decide." I say

She walks up to us then says, "I love you both, just please give me time."

We both nod then engulf her into a group hug.

After that we made our way into the water and splash around. We laugh a lot enjoying the best day at the beach ever.

*at (Y/N)'s house*

~~~3rd Person POV~~~

They all made it back to (Y/N)'s house and she started to make dinner. She had thoughts running in her head, the fact that her two best friend love her.

She thought about who to choose, but it was hard.

Then she thought about her pasts with each of them. Once dinner was ready, she made her decision.

The table was set and they all sat around the food (Y/N) prepared.

"Um, Ashton, Niall? You won't get mad at who I choose?"

They looked at each other and shook their heads.

"I know I'll stay friends with you no matter what!" Niall says

"Same" Ashton says

She takes a deep breath, "I love (Your decision)"

He smile and got up and pecked your lips. The other boy was happy for you that you were happy.


Please comment which boy you chose! :) (Ashton for me)


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