Drunk Texts

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These are kinda crazy!!!! 

Louis- Hey babbbbeeee!! Soory im nnoot goiiing to beeeeee hommme im goinng to neeverland!!! 

You- Lou? Are you dunk?

Louis- Maybbbeeeee

Harry- You knoooooow what?

You- What?

Harry- Whateverrrr outfitt you'ree wearring looooksss greaaaaaaaat oooon theee floooor!!

You- You're drunk. Please say Liam will bring you home safley.

Harry- I'mmm not druunk! Yet.......

Zayn- Hey Babeeee I need you!! 

You- Huh? 

Zayn- I need to be in you!!!

You- You've had enough to drink....

Liam- Babe!! Let's go homeee!! Whereee areeee you?!

You- Leaving in the bathroom

Liam- Comeee on!! I wnaa have funn with my girl!

You- No more drinks! Where's the sober Li? 

Niall- I'm your Irish beast!!

You- I know you are!! ;)

Niall- I wanna just have sex with my beastly babe!!


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