You're dating but your parents are engaged together (Part 2)

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Liam- "T-This is  the Liam?" Your mom says and you nod. You looked broken. You needed him in your life. You mom was trying to figure out what to do. "I love him mom. I can't and won't leave him" You say holding on to Liam's hand. "I bet. I don't mind you two dating." "Really?" "Yes, I know you are in love, and I've never seen you fall head over heals for someone." You were so happy that you were crying. "T-Thanks mom! And thanks Mr. Payne" You say giving them both a hug then running back to Liam. "You two are so cute together." You mom squeals. You couldn't help but kiss him. "Can we eat dinner and not have you two eating each-other?" You mom asks and you just laugh. She was really blunt. Dinner was awesome. You held hands under the table and Liam helped clean up. "Don't lose him" You mom says. "Wasn't planning on it. Ever" 

Louis- "Babe, everything will be alright" Louis says into your ear as you cry onto the shirt you bought him. "Sweetie open up!" You heard your mom say as she banged on the door. You didn't want to face them like this. "Can we talk?" You mom pleads. You bring your head up from Louis and walk to the sink. You fix yourself up a bit and Louis smiles at you. He comes over and gives you a hug and whispers in your ear, "Babe, everything will be alright, we'll be together no matter what" And you two walk out of the bathroom holding hands. Louis holds you close. Your mom smiles as you all walk back to the table. You mom and his dad were whispering stuff to each other. It was starting yo worry you. You layed your head on Louis' shoulder. Then your mom spoke. "I see that you two are in love and we will not stop you two from being together. We were young and you two seem like you two will last." There was a smile on your face. You looked up to Louis who was smiling too. He looks down at you a pecks your lip making you have a bigger smile. "Alright, Let's have dinner!" You mom says looking at the menu.

Harry- You stand there wrapped in Harry's arms. You are not going to let him go, at all! You dad looks at you so sad. He knew you loved Harry. You talked about him all the time. You felt Harry's grip tighten. It was silent. "I'm not going to leave him" You spoke. You notice you dad get  up and walk out with Harry's mom. You start to sob. "W-What if we can't be together?" You ask and you felt Harry's hand under your chin. He makes you two see eye to eye. "Then I don't know what I would do. I love you too much to lose you and our journey together has just begun" He says kissing your lips. Your dad came back in and he sat on your bed with Harry's mom beside him. "Y/N, I know that Harry likes you alot, he talks about you alot. You two seem perfect. We'll let you stay together, we can't break up young love." "And most likely even if we did break you two up, Y/N here would go see you behind my back, and I don't want that" Your dad speaks. You were feeling so happy. You wrapped your arms around Harry's neck and kissed him. You felt his hands move to your butt. "Watch the hands Styles" You dad says and Harry backs away strawberry red. You just laugh and kiss he cheek.

Niall- You knew Niall was a softy and he told you he found the one. It was you. You didn't want to leave the guy that makes you happy. "I'm sorry dad, but I don't care if your getting married to her. I'll never stop loving my Niall." You say kissing Niall's cheek. His head was still resting on your shoulder. You dad smiled. "You've never loved someone this much. What makes you want to be with him more?" You dad asks. "He's different from every guy I've met. He's personality is just amazing and he's just so darn cute" You say smiling. "I think you two should date no matter what. We're not going to step in the middle of young love. Right Y/D/N" She says and your dad nods. "You two arn't even blood related. So I don't care" You dad says and you smile. You look down to see Niall's head shoot up. "S-So we're able to be together?" Niall asks and you just kiss him. His lifts you up and twirls you around. "You are the one. I can't ever leave you" He says and you smile. 

Zayn- "Mom" You say and walk into the kitchen holding Zayn's hand. "Yes?" You mom asks. "I-I've been dating Zayn" You say snuggling into Zayn's side. "So this is the famous Y/N you talk about all the time Zayn" His dad says. His dad and your mom shared weird glances and realized why you were sad. "Baby, We understand that you two are dating, but you two are becoming step siblings." Your mom says and breaks your heart. "I'm not leaving him just because of you two" You snap. You've never loved someone as much as Zayn. "But sweetie-" "Don't sweetie me. If you cared about me, you wouldn't split us apart!" You yell. "Babe, it's alright-" "No it's not alright! I've never loved anyone the way I love you!" You say holding on to him. You notice your mom and his dad talking. You just stood there waiting to hear what they were going to say. "Alright, you can date. Just be careful. You two do seem great together" You mom says standing up and hugging her. Then you hug Zayn. "I love you" You say and kiss his cheek.

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