He Accidentally Hurts You And He Doesn't Know You're Pregnant

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I'm sorry for any mistakes!!


He Accidentally Hurts You And He Doesn't Know You're Pregnant


Niall- You felt like Niall was avoiding you. You've been meaning to tell him that you we're pregnant, but he was never home anymore. You wanted to cry every night. You'd try and call him or text him, you'd get no answer out of him. You were just about to go upstairs and go to sleep when you heard the door slam and footsteps getting louder. You were starting to feel scared. Then you looked to see an angry Niall at the door. "Niall...?" You question and he turns to you. "What?!" He snaps. You flinched. "I-I-" you didn't know what to say. He was pissed for some reason. Thanks to these hormones you're a reck. "You going to say something?!" He snaps then you felt his hands on your shoulders and then your back slammed to the wall. "Niall?!" You screeched. He let you go and his eyes softened. You placed your hand on your stomach and lean against the wall. You were frightened. You didn't know what was going on. Then you saw Niall kneel down next to you. "Baby I'm so sorry! I don't know what's gotten into me, I just heard people talking shit about you and it made me mad. I didn't-" "NIALL?! Why the hell did you have to take it out on me!! You could've hurt us!!" You yelled. Damn hormones. He looks at you with puzzled eyes. You clutched your stomach more scared of your boyfriend. "I'm sorry and I know I shouldn't have. Please! And why do you have your hand on your stomach?" You didn't know what to say. "Well Niall sorry if I want to protect my child!" You yelled even louder and you began to cry because you saw Niall with his head in his hands and heard slight sobs coming from him. "Baby, I-I'm so sorry, I-I don't know what I was thinking." He says and gets up. You notice him start to walk to the door and tears began to run down your face. "N-Niall!" You yelled and he turned to face you with red puffy eyes. "D-don't leave." You mumble knowing Niall never meant anything of what just happened. He came rushing over to you and wrapped his strong arms around you. He buried his face into your neck and you felt his warm tears fall down your neck. "I love you and I'm very sorry for what I did!"

Louis- You were waiting for Louis to get home and you were so happy that you decided to bake a cake. You were trying to reach a bowl that was on the stop shelf. It was a silent and you didn't hear Louis walk in. "BABE?!" He yelled and you jumped falling off the counter. Then you heard footsteps running over to you. "Oh my god! Are you ok?" He says picking you up and pulling you into his lap. You had a major headache now and your back hurt like hell. Then it hit you, "Shit!" You say praying that your child was alright. You put your hand over your stomach praying that the child was alright. "Does your stomach hurt?" He asks. "No baby, I-I'm just scared that the child's not ok." You say and then his hand made it's way over to yours resting on top. "Oh sweetie, I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that and make you fall." "It's alright." You say staying close to him. You felt his chin rest on your shoulder and his hand made it's way over yours. Then you felt his large hand rest over top of yours. You smiled and you both were praying that the child was alright. That was all you could think about.

Liam- You and your best gay friend were on your way to the hospital to see if you were pregnant. You hope that you were and since Liam was out touring, you asked him to tag along. He was acting goofy by checking out the male nurses. As you were in your room to get an ultrasound you were very excited. Then the nurse asked, "Is this the father?" Then (Y/B/G/F/N) spoke up. "Um, I'm not and for the record she doesn't have a penis." You couldn't help but bust I out laughing and so did the nurse. "Alrighty then, well you do have a child, but it's a little too early to tell the gender." The nurse says and you smile. You got dressed and headed out the hospital. You smiled knowing that you and Liam were going to have a baby. You couldn't wait to tell him. (Y/B/G/F/N) was super happy for you two. You two walked to the car and he opened the door for you. Then he made his way to the drivers seat. You had a smile on your face for the rest of the evening. Then he dropped you off at you and Liam's shared place and you two decided to hang out. (Y/B/G/F/N) sat at the end of the couch and then your lied down and rested your head into his lap. Then you heard the front door open but get slammed shut. "(Y/N)? What's this?" He says pointing to you and (Y/B/G/F/N). "Liam your home!" You said happily. "You didn't answer me! What with that!" He points to you two again. "This is (Y/B/G/F/N) remember?" You say then he snaps. "Are you cheating on me?!" He snaps "Liam he's only a friend! Remember he's my gay friend!" You snap then you felt Liam grip your arms and jerk you up from (Y/B/G/F/N). You were about to cry cause your wrist hurt now. "Hey! That's not how you handle a pregnant woman!" He says standing up and prying Liam's hand off your wrist. But Liam just let's go and starts crying. He falls to his knees and places his head into his hands and cries like crazy. You came up to him and stayed close to him. "I-I'm s-so sorry (Y/N), I-I was afraid that y-you c-cheated on m-me." He says more like a whimper. Then (Y/B/G/F/N) came up to you two and spoke, "Like I said to the nurse, she doesn't have a penis!" Then you all started laughing and Liam held you close.

Harry- You were just getting home from the doctors and were so happy. Harry was in the kitchen you guessed trying to cook. You smiled and then he noticed you. "Hey babe!" He said pulling a pot of hot water off the burner. You smiled and watched him as he poured the water into tea glasses and then tea bags. He made his way over to the kitchen table you sat down next to him. "Awe! Thanks babe!" You said. He was handing you the glass but then he dropped it. The hot water falls onto the table and hit you a little. You scream in pain. (A/N- I didn't mean it that way you dirty minded children) He shot up out of his seat and ran over to the freezer and grabbed an ice pack. He ran back over to you and placed the ice pack over the burn on your stomach. "Baby! I'm so so so sorry!!" He says so worried that you're mad at him. It hurt a lot! After a while when the pain started to go away you moved his hand from the burn. "How do you feel baby?" He asks, "I'm fine. I just hope she is." You says holding onto your stomach. He was lost for a second but then realized what you were saying. "Baby! You're pregnant?!" He says happily, "I was going into tell you at dinner!" You said then he smiles and kisses you. "I'm so sorry (Y/N) and I'm also sorry too little one." He says kissing your stomach away from the slight red spot on your stomach.

Zayn- You were getting home from you're friends house kinda late and you didn't mean to. You walked into your place and saw a teary eyes Zayn sitting on the couch. "Baby? Where have you been?!" He asks getting up and walking towards you. "Sorry I was out with (Y/F/N) and lost track of time." You say then you felt your back pressed against the door and the your chests were together. Then his lips were pressed to your neck. This feeling was great, but you know you couldn't do 'it' anytime soon. You pushed Zayn off. "Baby, not tonight." You said and he looked shocked. "Why not?" He asks and pulls you close. "Because, I'm just tired." You said and then walked over to the couch. "Alright!" He huffs and comes over and sits next to you. You two sat down and watched movies. He grabs a glass bottle of beer and the accidentally drops it. The glass spreads and one shard hit your shoulder. You wined in pain and then Zayn quickly got up and started to vacuum the mess. You sat there and pulled out the shard that was in your shoulder and then Zayn noticed. "Babe! I'm so sorry, I don't know why I dropped it." He says taking the shard out of your hand and throwing it away. He came over to me and stared to kiss me. It felt great, but as I said earlier not tonight. "Zayn baby! I-I'm pregnant!" You moan out has he removes his lips from your neck. "W-What?" "I'm pregnant!" "That's great babe!!" He says kissing you on the lips.


Ok so I've fallen in love with 5SOS and I was wondering if I should do a 5SOS preference book.
Please comment your thoughts!!

And OMG thanks for the amount of reads!! Like wtf I'm going crazy!! 17.5K!! Thanks!!

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