You're dating but your parents are engaged together (Part 1)

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 Sorry for any mistakes...

Liam- You just texted Liam, *Baby, can't hang out tonight, got dinner with my mom and her boyfriend* You send it and drive over to your mom's place. Your phone buzzes and you get a text from Liam, *It's alright, I have dinner with my dad's girlfriend and her daughter. He's planning on proposing to her tonight* You walk up to your mom's front porch and walk in. "Hello mom!" "Hello hon! She says scrabbling around the kitchen. "I got something to tell you" You say and she looks at you funny. "What sweetie?" "I've got a boyfriend, he's name is Liam" I say and she smile. "Awe! So sweet honey, I want to meet him" She says pulling the chicken out of the oven. Shortly there's a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" Your mom says walking to the door. "He's here! And he brought his son" She yells, They walk into the kitchen. "Hello Y/N, Your mom told me alot about you." He says. You smile and look to see a boy behind him. You look at him closely. Your eyes connect and notice worry in both eyes. "Liam?" You question. "Oh, it looks like you two have already met." His dad says. I look to my mom and I think she know what's going on now. 

Louis- You were going out to have dinner with the man who proposed to your mom. You made it to the restaurant your mom sent you. You looked and saw your mom in a cute short dress. You smiled and walked over. "Come on, they're waiting" Your mom says grabbing your hand and walking in. You've told your mom about Louis. She was super happy for you. You were walking behind your mom she said hello and she sat down next to him. I noticed his son and it looked, no it was, Louis. His jaw dropped. "Babe?" He questions and his dad looks at him funny. "Hello Y/N, Your mom told me alot about you, this is my son Louis" He says and you sit next to your boyfriend Louis. You didn't know what to say. "You alright sweetie?" Your mom asks and you shook your head. "What's wrong?" She asks, you couldn't help but start to cry. Louis is going to become your step-brother and you are dating. You ran to the bathroom and you heard Louis call your name. You ran into the family-bathroom cause someone was already in the girls. Louis follows and locks the door. He grabs you and holds you close. "Babe, everything will be alright" 

Harry- You were a total daddy's girl. You've met his girlfriend once, but not for long. You were running late. Your dad was planning on asking this girl to marry him. You thought it was sweet. He invited her and one of her kids. You ran inside "Sorry, dad! Work wouldn't let me out." I said and ran upstairs to change. I knew she was already here. I texted my boyfriend Harry. *Hey babe! Whatcha doing?* You send it and get dressed before you went downstairs your phone buzzed. *Waiting for someone to get to this dinner thing my mom asked me to go to, I wanna snuggle with you ;)* You smiled and walked downstairs. *Same! Love you! See you tonight?* Your phone went off on your way to the kitchen. "Are you texting that Harry boy again?" Your dad asks and you hear a lady's laugh. "My son's name is Harry" She says and you walk in. You notice your cuddle buddy. Your Harry. "Y/N, This is Harry" You put on a fake smile, but trust me, you want to cry. "H-Hi Harry" You stutter. He doesn't know what to say. After dinner your dad just starts saying random thing that you just tone out. That's your Harry. "Will you marry me?" That's all you heard and your heart sank. "Yes" She says. You couldn't show yourself here. You ran up to your room and your dad followed. You sat on your bed crying your eyes out. You feel the bed sink. "Honey, what's wrong?" Your dad asks. You notice Harry and his mom in the door frame. Harry was about to cry too. You needed someone to cuddle. You ran up to Harry and wrapped your arms around him. You're not leaving him.

Niall- You walked over to the kitchen to help your dad fix dinner for a girl he's asked to marry him. You were going to invite Niall, but he was busy. Your dad wanted to meet him. You told him that he had plans. "Y/N! She's here! With her son"  Your dad says and you come out of the kitchen and head to the living room. Your heart sank as you look at Niall. The boy you are dating and now are soon to be step-siblings. A tear fell from his eyes which were not their usual bright color. You couldn't help yourself. You had to comfort him. You ran up to him and cupped his face. You used your thumb to whip the tear. He rested his head on your shoulder. You didn't care. "I-Is this the Niall you always talk about?" You dad asks and you nod. His mom was lost. You wrapped your hands around him. "A-Are you two dating?" His mom asks and you nod once more. Now she knew what was going on.

Zayn- You mom was going crazy. She wanted to look good for this one guy that just proposed to her. You heard that the guy was bringing his son too. You decided to call you boyfriend. "Hey Zayn" "Hey babe, what are you doing?" "Nothing, waiting for my moms new hubby to get here." "Hubby?" "Yeah" Zayn chuckles. "Well, babe let me call you later, I think they're here." "Alright, good, I'm going to dinner with my dad and a girl he asked to marry him" He says and hangs up. You answer the door and say hello, but Zayn was behind him. "Babe?" He questions in a whisper. "I-I don't, wait! No" You say and start to cry. Zayn hugs you and you rest your head in his chest. "No. No. No. No. No." You kept repeating. "Shh, love it's going to be alright. Let's just talk to them" He says and you nod. They were already in the kitchen. You two walk in holding hands and stay close. "Mom" 

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