Nothing Will Keep Us Apart

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This one is for @RosebudTwilight :)
Sorry I teased you with it last night and now you get to read the whole thing! I hope you like it!! Oh wait! There shouldn't be a hope. I know you are going to like it :)
Sorry for any mistakes!


I wondered what his problem was. Why the hell did he not want Zayn and I to be together? There was something really wrong with my dad. He brought something between us then out of the blue Zayn broke up with me. He still hasen't told me why and I could tell that that's not what Zayn wanted to do. he gave me a promise ring about a week before we broke up. 

I haven't taken it off, praying it was good luck. Everyone said we'd stay together forever and grow old. I smiled at that. Alot of people were shocked. 

I still think my dad is at fault. He liked Zayn and treated him as a son, but he didn't like us dating. I know confusing. It's like shortly after we broke up, he was determined that I met his boss' son. It was so weird. 

I was on a date with John, my dad's boss' son. He knew something was up. 

"Sarah? You alright?" John asked

I was staring at my phone hoping Zayn would respond to my text. 

"What?" I ask not paying attention.

"You alright?"

"Um, Yeah" I say and put on a fake smile.

"No you're not" 

How can he see right through me?

"Sarah, tell me please!"

"You want to know? I miss my ex" I say

He looks at me like he expected that to come out of my mouth. His face turns from happy to 'I'm hiding something.' He takes a deep breath.

"Now what's wrong with you? Are you hiding something? I know that face on guys" I say looking at him directly in the eye.

"Yes, Yes I am hiding something from you. I didn't mean to or want to" John says looking at you in the eye.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I snap.

"I'm so going to regret this" He mumbles almost incoherent.

"What are you going to regret?" I ask 

"You might want to sit down." He says as we walk over to a bench and I sit down.

"I've been keeping a secret from you. Your dad and my dad thought we would be good together. My dad offered your dad a promotion as long as we were together." He began.

My eyes widen as I heard what he just said.

"And I said I couldn't do it because you had a boyfriend and your dad said no need to worry about that. I feel like he stood between you and your ex. You're much happier with him than me anyways" John finishes and I was on the verge of crying. 

I knew it. It was all my dad's fault. He just wanted this damn job promotion. 

"I-I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner" John says 

"It's not your fault, I'm not mad at you" I say giving him a hug.

"I say you should get um your ex back" He says 

I look at him and smile. He's a kind kid, why the hell did they have to make him do this?

"Let's stay friends at least!" I say

"Alright agreed" 

"Thanks John! You're awesome!" I say and kiss his cheek.

"Now got Sarah and get your man back" He says and I smile and run off to my car. 

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