You meet the boys for the first time.

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 Sorry These are horrible!! but here!! :)


Louis- You had a ton of questions running through your head. What if they don't like me? What if I make a fool of myself? "Calm down babe" Louis says as you were just sitting down on the couch. "But Louis!" "No butts! Even know your's is nice" "Shut up!" You say blushing. Shortly you hear a knock on the door. "Where is she! I wanna see who took my BooBear!" You hear someone's voice. Then you see people enter the living room. You just sit there as they look at you. Shortly they run up to you and your in a group hug. "C-Can't breath!" You say and they back away. "She's prettier than you described her Lou" You heard Niall say and you blush. "Don't you hit on my girl, Horan" Louis says wrapping his arms around you, 

Liam- You were going out to dinner with the boys. You've heard about them and have seen them on tv, but never really spoke to them. You were getting dressed in just a simple pair of skinny jeans and a cute top. You found your Converse and walked downstairs. You put your shoes on and then saw Liam walk in. "Ready baby?" He asks and you grab his hand and walk out the door. You drove to this expensive place. You sat down at the table and waited for the boys to get here. Shorty they came in and noticed Liam. "Hey Li!" Niall said and sat down at the booth. "This is Y/N?" Louis questioned. "Y-Yes, Is it bad?" You ask. "Well kinda, Liam has not stopped talking about you for weeks!" Louis says sitting next to you. You guys laughed most of the time. It was a great night. 

Niall- "Come on babe! You're coming to the studio with me" Niall says grabbing your wrist. "Why do I have to go again?" You ask. "'Cause, the boys want to meet you." He pleads. "Alright, but if they hate me, I'm breaking up with you" You say and his face was full of shock. "Well, I won't have to worry about that" He says kissing your cheek. You guys make it to the studio and make it into the recording area. You look to see the others already there. They all turn your way. "Y/N and Niall!!" Louis says loud.  You heard them all say hi's. You smiled. You were watching them practice and Niall kept looking over at you. The boys saw and after they were done. They started teasing him about being in love. You laughed at how much they love to goof around. 

Zayn- "Babe, They'll be here any minute" Zayn says while he's watching you make lunch. "I'm almost done with the food!" You say putting stuff on the table. Shortly there's a knock on the door. You put the plated down on the table and walk to the door and answer it. I see them standing there. "Hello!" Liam says. "Hi! Come on in" You say and they come in. "Lunch is ready!" You say. "Lunch? I love you!" Niall says walking into the kitchen. "You made us lunch?" Harry asks. "Yes! Now go enjoy it!" You say pushing them into the kitchen. "Wow you're a great cook Y/N!" Louis says shoving food in this mouth. "Thanks" You blush. "Where'd you learn to cook like this?" Niall asks. "My mom" You said and you smiled. "Thanks so much for lunch" Liam said. "You've got a great cook Zayn!" Niall says and you smile. 

Harry- You were going to the beach to hang out with the others. It was a hot day. You made your way over to the beach and took off your bathing suite cover and laid out a towel. "Harry! Can you but sun screen on my back?" You ask but then you see him in the water with Louis. "Need help love?" You heard someone say. You turn around to see Niall standing behind you. "Please" You say and you hand him the sun screen. He rubs it on your back and you smile. "Thanks" You say. "You're Y/N, right?" You nod. "Come swim!" He says helping you up and pulling you to the water. Next thing you know you were being splashed by everyone. So you decided to be sneaky. You swam under the splashed and find Harry. You pop your head up then jump on his back. "You guys are mean" You wine wrapping your arms around his neck, "But I love you Harry" You whisper. 

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