Hello readers I am Klainemeforever101 and this is my first story I have ever written. This story means a lot to me, I hope you enjoy my story. Please review, they make me want to write more and more.
Chapter 1: An unexpected surprise comes in many forms
Blaine walked across his bedroom; Kurt asked him,” What are you looking for?” Blaine just simply shrugged it off, because he didn’t want to bother Kurt with his problems.
“It’s nothing. I’m just getting ready for work; you know this by now since we have lived together for three years.”
“It’s because I have lived with you for three years that I know that there is something wrong. Are you looking for something?”
Blaine just finally gave up; might as well tell him, I mean for god sake he is your husband. “I can’t find my report on the Broxin case. Have you seen it?”
“Honey, you put it in your briefcase last night before we had dinner.” Kurt honestly could not believe still to this day how he ended up with such an amazing husband. “Now is that it, because you’re about to late; it’s already a quarter before eight.”
“Thanks baby, I love you.” They shared a deep and meaningful kiss like they do every morning.
“I love you too.” Kurt then waited for Blaine to leave, to get ready for his job as a fashion designer. He still acted and sang, but after he won project runway he decided that fashion was the path he was supposed to follow. The only thing that really sucks is the fact that he can’t spend a lot of time with Blaine as much as he used to. He knew that he needed to talk to Blaine about it, but couldn’t bring himself to tell Blaine to work less because Blaine loved his job, and if the circumstances were reversed he wouldn’t want Blaine to say it. So he sat home all day and sketched.
~Page Break~
At nine o’clock Blaine entered the house tired and all he wanted to do is enter his bed and cuddle with Kurt, but apparently that was not going
to happen. He saw Kurt on the couch crying into his knees. He did what his instincts told him. He rushed over to Kurt and wrapped him in his arms.
After 15 minutes of rocking Kurt back and forth he asked Kurt what was wrong. Kurt sat up and sadly said, “I was lonely without you. I started to become really sad.”
Blaine said, “Hey, that’s nothing to cry over.” Blaine really had no idea why Kurt would cry over something silly as missing him.
Then Kurt quietly whispered, “But it’s all the time. I didn’t want to tell you because I could never tell you that I want you to spend less time at your job and more time with me, because it’s unfair to you. You love your job.”
Blaine tried to really understand all of what he was hearing. He then answered, “Not as much as you though. I can spend less time at my job, if that will stop making you cry. Because you are the love of my life.”
~Page Break~
The alarm started to go off at 5:30 in the morning. Blaine woke up immediately right after it went off. Kurt just stirred in bed, so Blaine decided to let him sleep in. He got ready and waited in the kitchen while his breakfast was in the microwave. Kurt usually made breakfast, so he never really made breakfast. When his breakfast was done he went and sat at the dining table and ate in silence, then Kurt walked through the kitchen and sat in Blaine’s lap and wrapped his arms around his neck.
Blaine looked at him with big gleaming eyes. “How is my husband doing?”
Kurt smiled at him and told him, “Good, but a little mad that my husband didn’t wake me up.” Blaine chuckled and smiled his great big smile that he has. Kurt looked into his eyes and said, “Okay, I’m not mad
at all, but can I ask why you didn’t wake me up?”
Blaine thought and said, “You didn’t sleep good last night. You kept tossing and turning and mumbled my name. I had to play big spoon for you to stop turning.”
“I’m sorry Blaine I didn’t mean for you to stay up late last night and cuddle with me, because I was throwing a fit.”
“It’s okay. I don’t like seeing you upset or sad. I get bothered by it, especially if I caused it.”
“Please don’t feel sorry. You didn’t do anything wrong. You love your job and I love mine so…” Kurt looked away sheepishly.
“Hey, look at me. When I married you I said I would love you until the ends of times. I plan on doing so. So I have decided that I am taking the next 2 months off and there is nothing you can do to make me change my mind.”
Kurt looked at Blaine in shock. He loved the man that was in front of him, but it was still hard for him to realize how he got a man such as Blaine Hummel-Anderson to be his. He felt tear escaping from the sides of his eyes. He drew Blaine into a deep hug and couldn’t believe he would have a whole 2 months to just himself and Blaine. Once they broke their embrace they went into the kitchen to cook some real food and went into their bedroom to enjoy their company and their amazing food.
~Page Break~
“Okay are you ready? I want everything to be perfect. We haven’t seen them in 8 months.”
Blaine looked at Kurt and chuckled. Kurt looked at Blaine and sent daggers at him. And then said, “I know your laughing because I’m nervous and all, but we will get to be able to see mine and your family. It has been forever.”
Blaine chuckled again, but this time in a somewhat sweet way. He loved when he saw Kurt getting all riled up. He then continued back to his packing making sure not to get Kurt mad at him if he wore wrinkled clothes out in public. Then there was a knock on their front door. As Blaine walked to the front door he thought all about their vacation to Ohio. Living in New York was kind of hard to travel to Ohio back and forth in short periods of time, because of their hectic work schedules. So eventually they just stopped visiting and calling. So if they ever got a long period of time, they immediately went to Ohio to visit their parents. All of the sudden all they hear was a feint cry and Blaine rushed to the door and really scared and curious about what was out there.
When he opened the door he saw a baby boy in a basket wrapped in a blue blanket with a note on top of him. He looked at the note and saw the bouncing baby boy’s name. His name was AJ and he had the biggest blue eyes and darkest curls on his head. He looked so cute, but Blaine was more worried about why there was a baby on his front porch, which was on the 6th floor. Another thing that worried him was the fact that somebody intentionally put him on the 6th floor knowing that it was Blaine and Kurt’s home, but once again that didn’t matter. He yelled, “Kurt please get out here immediately. You have to see something.” Kurt walked out and gasped as he saw Blaine with a baby in his arms.
Kurt looked at the sight in front of him and was feeling all of these different feelings floating in him. He asked Blaine, “Blaine honey what are you doing?” Blaine looked away from AJ and handed Kurt the letter. Kurt opened the letter and read. To Kurt and Blaine. I know I didn’t pick the best time to drop off AJ, I just know that he’ll be better off with you guys. I really hope you guys adopt him and call him yours. The adoption agency can be a very tricky business. I also know that you guys wanted a baby, but never really found the right sergeant. You don’t know me so please don’t try and return him. I thought because his curls are like Blaine’s and his eyes are like Kurt’s that it will look like he belongs to you guys. He is 3 months old and healthy.
Please raise AJ with care. ~Anonymous.
So what did you guys think? Good, Bad, Needs a better story line. You tell me in a form of a review, anything helps. ~Klainemeforever101

Love is among all of us- A klaine story
FanficWhat happens when Kurt and Blaine find a cute bouncing boy on their doorstep. When life takes affect can Kurt and Blaine handle the life of being fathers.