Chapter 13 : Enquiring....

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A/N : Hey initiates !!! Here is Chapter 13 !! I really hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !! Also,Check out the Media section of this Chapter !! Sorry 4 not updating since such a long time but I've got my tests now so.....they won't be frequent for a while !! Anyways....Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

Tris's POV

All of us sit on the couch.I'm too shocked to ask anything. 

"'re here !! After 4 months.Why did you take such a long time buddy ??",Zeke asks.The way he puts it is very smart.Intelligent even.

"Well...I had no idea you guys were here.I found out yesterday",Tobias says.

"What ?? What is that even supposed to mean ?",I blurt out and regret it since Tobias looks at me confused.I know what he is thinking......Why does this stranger care ??

"Umm....I mean...I thought you guys had moved away from the city.Yesterday my girlfriend told me that you guys are still here",Tobias says.

"Your girlfriend !???!!?",I ask shocked.

"Well....yeah ?",Tobias says shocked that I'm shocked.

"What's her name ??",Uriah asks. 

"Lauren !! And she'll be her any moment",Tobias says.

Oh god !! Lauren !! She faked all of this !! Tobias's death !! I will kill her.Tobias thinks that she is his girlfriend now !! What am I supposed to do now ??

"'s life ??",Tobias asks no one in particular scratching the back of his neck.He's uncomfortable that we are so interested in his life.

"Great !!",Everyone says in unison.

I look at Tobias he's looking at everyone.Studying them.His eyes then land on mine.He smiles and I smile back.

Then he looks at my finger and nods.Then he looks at everyone's finger and again nods in understanding.

What is he doing ??

"So....all of you guys are married ??",Tobias asks.I look at my finger.Oh !! He was looking at our wedding rings !!

The irony about this is....he doesn't even know that the ring in my hand is the one that he gave me !!

"Yeah !! Me and Chris,Uriah and Mar,Zeke and Shauna and Destiny and Ethan",Will says.

Tobias nods.I think he already knew somehow that Des is married to Ethan so he didn't look so shocked.He looks at me awaiting an explanation.What should I do ?? Should I make up a fake husband tale ??

I guess I should.Just as I'm about to....Will stops me from doing so.

" long is it finished your initiation ?",Will asks.

"Uhh....about a year.You ??",Tobias asks back.

What ?!!?! A year ?!!??

"Same here !!",Will says.

"Hey guys !!",I hear a voice say and immediately all of us look towards the door.

"Lauren !! Hey !!",Tobias says and goes towards her.Chris places her hand on my shoulder.I can't see what happens next !! 

I can't see them kiss each other !!

Surprisingly.....they settle for a hug !!!!

Lauren then comes in and hugs everyone.She then comes towards me and hugs me.I wish I could kill her right now !

"You've gotten yourself into great trouble",I whisper while she's hugging me.

"I don't think so",She whispers back and breaks the hug.

"Why did you take so long,Lauren ??",Tobias asks.

"Oh honey,You know the traffic",Lauren says and I want to strangle her.Can anyone kill her already ??

"Yeah",Tobias says.

"Umm....Can I know which way is the washroom ??",Lauren asks.

"Sure !! I'll show you the way",I say and give her a death glare.She just grins.

--------//////:::::::TIME SKIP:::::::\\\\\\-------

We're currently in the hand wash area of the washroom.

"Why did you do this,Lauren ??",I ask.

"I did nothing",She replies smirking.

"Oh shut up !! You faked To-Four's death",I say.

"So ?? Why are you making such a big deal out of it ??",Lauren asks.

"Big deal ?? Lauren you kept me away from my husband for 4 months !! You made me think that he's dead !!",I say.

"That was precisely my plan",Lauren says.

"What ??",I ask.

"I wanted to snatch him away from you.Now....he doesn't even know that you're his wife !! Or that you are pregnant with his child",She says and laughs loudly.

My hands immediately fall on my not-so-visible but visible tiny little baby bump.

"Try all you can,Lauren.Ultimately....Four will come back to me.He loves me",I say.

"Well....apparently I'm his girlfriend so....don't count on it",She says trying to demotivate me.

"Well that doesn't matter.I'll make him fall for me again",I say and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

I'll strike a friendship with Tobias and make him fall for me again and maybe then he'll remember !!

"Best of luck on that",She says curtly.

"I don't need it",I say sassily and walk out of the bathroom.

Ha !! Point number one for Tris !!

A few steps away from the bathroom I crash into something.Or someone.

A 'very soft' someone !!!!

A/N : So that was the end of the Thirteenth Chapter !!! How was it ?? Who do you guys think the 'someone' is ?? Hint - The answer is very predictable ;) Anyways....Don't forget to Leave your comments for me :)





And remember

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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