Chapter 33 : First Kick and First Kiss....

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A/N : Hey initiates !!! Here is Chapter 33 !! I really hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

Tobias's POV

I wake up after a horrible nightmare.

And the nightmare was related to losing Tris.

I think of all the times we had together.I think of how she makes me feel.I think of how I'm always willing to do anything for her.I think of the panic I faced when her life was in danger.

And then I realise.....

I'm already in love with her.

I love Tris Prior !!!!

But unfortunately I can never have her.

She's married and pregnant and I have a girlfriend.

We just.....don't have a future.I guess we have to settle for being friends.

I go to the kitchen and eat something.

God know where the others are.Probably they went to the Annual Faction Sale.

Then I grab something for Tris to eat and go to her room. 

Tris's POV

I wake up realising that I'm 6 months 10 days pregnant !! When Tobias wasn't with me....I used to count every single day of my pregnancy.

My tummy is huge.I mean not very huge but a little larger than an average six months pregnant belly.

"Hi",Tobias says coming in.

"Hello",I say.

"I think we missed breakfast.It's afternoon",Tobias says smiling.

"That's great !! I didn't wanna eat anyways",I say.

"Uh uh !! I'm not letting you go without eating",Tobias says pointing to a bowl he brought with him.

"Ughh !! Okay but first....let me brush",I say.

I brush and then I eat the breakfast.

"Did you eat ?"?I ask him.

"Yeah I did.Thanks for asking",Tobias says.

"Huh ?? Since when did you become so formal ?",I ask.

"Since today",Tobias says smirking.I smile.

"Wanna go to the backyard and sit there for a while ?",I ask.

"Yeah sure",Tobias says.

So we go to the backyard.

We sit on the single step that leads to the backyard.

"Let's think of names for our lil fighter",Tobias says.

"Okay",I say smiling.It's really cute when he calls our baby that.

"Johnny",Tobias suggests.

"No",I say.

"John ?",Tobias asks.

"No",I say again.

"Lets not only think of names for a boy but also for a girl.Because....we can't be sure yet",I say.

"Let's think of names for a boy first and then for girl",Tobias suggests.I nod.

"Umm....Brandon ?",Tobias suggests.

"Thats pretty good",I say.

"Yeah but it's not perf.How about....Austin ?",Tobias asks.

"That's....",I begin but I'm cut off by a beautiful feeling in my tummy.I immediately place my hand on my tummy.

"Tris...are you okay ?",Tobias asks.

"Oh my god !! The baby kicked !! Tobias...the baby kicked.He's never done it before.He kicked",I say overjoyed.

"What ??",Tobias asks shocked.I take his hand and place it on my belly.

"Oh my god !! Oh my god !! That's amazing !! That's so....unique",Tobias says.I can tell,he's happy and shocked.

Tobias's POV

I'm trying really hard not to kiss Tris.Every word she says,Every move of hers makes me want to kiss her.

"Isn't that so....beautiful.I mean...having a life inside you is just so...amazing and....",Tris begins but I cut her off with my lips on hers.

I don't know why I did it.

I wasn't supposed to do it.

This will ruin our friendship.

But Tris starts kissing back !!

And all my worries fade away for a while.

Tris's POV

Tobias kissed me !! And I know I'm not supposed to kiss him back.I just can't control myself.

It had been 6 months 10 days since Tobias kissed me.I just couldn't resist kissing him back.So I did.

I kissed him back.He's shocked but then kisses me nevertheless.

I'm supposed to pull back.I'm supposed to stop kissing him.

But I do so after a while.

After I pull away....there's awkward silence.

I get up and proceed to go inside the house.

"Tris....I'm sorry.I don't know why I did it",Tobias says.

"It's okay.Lets just forget this happened okay ?",I ask.

"Okay but....will this affect our friendship ?",Tobias asks.

"No.Never.It won't",I say and go inside the house leaving Tobias where he was sitting.

I'm so happy !! Tobias kissed me !! Maybe.......he loves me ?

No one is at home still.So I just go to the living room and watch TV.

I hope I get my Tobias back soon !!!!

A/N : That was the end of Chapter Thirty Three.How was it ?? This is my most favourite chapter till now !! Anyways.....Don't forget to Leave your comments for me :)





And remember

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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