Chapter 10

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Ariana's POV

2 weeks later

"Hunter! Come down here! You got a letter or should I say package it's so huge, from Atlantic Records and one from your management! Get down here!" I yelled full of joy. I wonder what it is?

Faster than I've ever seen him move I saw Hunter zoom down the stairs from his studio into the kitchen where I am now. "Gimme, Gimme, Gimme!" He exclaimed like a little child wanting his cookie. Hunter quickly ripped both letters open at the same time. He had been expecting the letter from Atlantic records now for about a week. "What's it say?" I questioned letting the curiosity get the best of me. "Not good." He replied sullenly wearing the disappointment like a pair of converse on the red carpet. "Oh, no babe I'm sorry."

"It's the best news I've every been given!" He shouted to the heavens.

"Ok Hayes what is it!?" I asked playfully hitting his arm.

"I'm going on tour!"

"What! That's amazing I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks, Ariana that means so much I can't believe this is happening right now! I get to go on a world tour not just a North American, but a WORLD! This is unreal!" He shouted letting it echo throughout our large house. I'm so proud of Hunter he deserves everything that has been happening to him lately, but world seems kinda long after we finally just reconnected again and he's already leaving me. Of course I'm happy for him? But it's kinda hard to believe that he is already leaving again.

"Hey, wanna know the best part?" He asked in utter excitement.


"It's says right here in plain English that you, Ariana, get to come with me as long as you want to! So do you?"

"What! Of course! Oh, Hunter I would love to! We get to travel the world together just like we have always dreamed of doing!" I said with an overwhelming feeling of happiness come over me. For the first time in a while its seems like everything was starting to fall right into place for both of us. We were finally both getting back on our feet.

"Ok I'm gonna go get some coffee and sushi to celebrate!" Hunter said as he headed for the door.

A few minutes later the phone rang. I made my way over to the phone answering it, " Hello?" I asked.

"Hello, Ariana it's been awhile hasn't it." Questioned the human on the other end of the line, who's voice I recognized instantly.

"Why are you calling me? I thought you said you were going to be out of my life for good!" I asked in complete shock to who I was speaking with.

"No I said I was going to leave you alone for the time being, not forever. Now, I think you know what you have which I want, actually which I deserve. So please when he gets home I would prefer it if you answer the door."

" Why!" I questioned now letting the shock turn into fear. I know who this person is and what they are capable of and that if I don't cooperate she will not only destroy me, but everything I care about.

"We have some unfinished business to take care of Ariana. I'll see you soon."

I let my guard down. I can feel the damage that is about to be done and I know with every fiber of my being I must do whatever it takes to keep Hunter safe. Jayden was evil, relentless and the worst person I have ever met and that was three years ago. I can't even imagine what she could be like today, but I guess I'm about to find out. I can't let her ever get near him and if that means sacrificing myself and doing exactly what she wants than I will. I have a fairly good idea of what it is that she will ask me to do. First, I must call Hunter before she gets here and warn him to not come home.

"Hello." Hunter answered unaware to what was about to be said to him.

"Baby, I need you to listen to me. Stay calm and do exactly as I say." I warned.

"Honey, whats going on?" He asked with a worried tone.

" There something you don't know I can't explain it now but I've made enemies. One of them is about to come to the house, don't come home go to Sam's! I need you to call Sam right now and tell him you're coming over. Tell him that I told you to say the phrase " Red attack" he will know what it means. Then call no one else! I mean it Hunter do not call anyone else. I will call you when I'm safe if I'm safe. I have a great feeling that they are going to try and take me.
Hunter, they will come after you too.
I am going to try and get this all figured out and do whatever she wants. You need to stay safe. Once you get to Sam's he should have everything ready and he will take you to the safe house. If anything goes wrong whether before you get to the safe house or after call this number 679-348-3377. (Not a real phone number) They will know exactly what to do. They will take care of you until I can come back to you. I will come back to you Hunter. I love you.

"Baby, don't hang up. What's going on? Who are you talking about? I have to see you again. Ariana I love you! You have to come back to me! I will do exactly as you ask, but just come back to me." Hunter's words killed me even more than I thought they could. I have expected this day to come since the moment I saw Hunter again at the concert, but didn't think it'd be this soon.

"Hun, stay calm. I love you. Go to Sam. I have to go now. I love you Hunter Hayes." I quickly hung up the phone and got ready for their arrival. I knew Jayden wouldn't be alone she would have her men with her and they would take me. I would have to fight. I quickly got everything I needed and put it in a bag. Then I took my pack of knives and put them around my leg, another in my shoe, and another one right under my bra strap on my shoulder blade. I knew my training would come in handy, but I didn't think it'd be this soon. I thought I had graduated. Was this another test? Was all this just another test? Was I still in the simulation? I made everything ready for my escape everything I knew Hunter loved the most and everything I love was put into another bag in the car. If I were to escape, I'd quickly send Sam a text saying " red attack north" then he would know I was out of the house and headed to the safe house where we would meet. When I first decided to start up my relationship with Hunter again I contacted Sam and made sure he was single and just caught up on all things Hunter Hayes. I also told him about everything I had been through the last couple years. About the training, about the scars I now have on my arms and back, even about the terrible things I have done in order to stay alive. In order to see Hunter again. Just then I heard a knock at the door. It was all about to begin, and this time I was ready.

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