⛔Chapter 47 ⛔

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Warning!!!! This chapter is very graphic! Be wise and read at your own risk!

"Stop it Hunter!" I screamed through bursts of giggles as Hunter tickled me. We had just gotten back to his place from Jimmie's Bar and Grill. He was home now for the time being before his album came out and everything became hectic again.

"Not until you say you remember!"Hunter stated as he began to tickle faster.

We were just talking about the time I had my first date back when I was a sophomore.

Drew Conway was the name of the guy I went out with. That night I came home from my friend Michelle's house who had the party he was at when he asked me out. When I came home to tell my mom: Lynette and my mom were out on the deck by the fire chatting while Leo and Dad were in the house looking at the blueprints my Dad had made for the new house he was gonna build for us. I ran inside past them and out to the ladies, "Mom! Drew Conway asked me out!" I shouted apparently loud enough that Hunter could hear me from inside his room which was at the time across the yard.

Anyways, I could tell he wasn't very happy about it, when I saw him the next day, but just ignored him and the feelings I didn't realize I had for him back then. To make a long story short, Drew was the head baseball star of the school, every girl swooned over him. We went on our date the following Saturday. When he showed up to my house everyone was there. I was so embarrassed, Leo, Lynette, Hunter, Mom, and Dad who was cleaning his gun ready for when Drew knocked on the door.

Anyways, he came shook my Dad's hand, did all that good gentlemen stuff and we were off. We went bowling, which I'm terrible at, all was going great until we came to the tenth frame. It was my turn, I bowled a spare giving me my third turn, I got a strike. That's when the incident happened, I was so excited cause that was my first strike of the game. I somehow ended up dropping the bowling ball on his foot. It broke and that year he couldn't play baseball. The team was so bad that year they didn't even make it to Districts, which says a lot about one player because they had won State Champs in baseball the passed two years with him.

That night when I came home Hunter climbed through the window. He said he was curious about the date and wanted to hear all about it. If it was anyone else I would of shooed them away, but it was him, and at the that particular moment in my life I finally felt what I feel know; my love and need for him. I didn't kick him out, I let him find me in the corner by the end of my bed and the closet crying from embarrassment. I let him pick me up, place me on my bed, and wrap his arms around me. I fell asleep that night in his arms, happy and full of love, not because of my awful date ,but because I finally realized exactly what I needed: him.

I never told anyone about my love for him, even after he kissed me for the first time, the night of my 16th birthday.

"Ok fine I remember!" I admitted flashing back to reality.

"You what?" Hunter asked as he tickled my sides.

"I REMEMBER!" I shouted through my laughs.

"Thank you." Hunter said as he plopped over to the other side of the couch, turning the TV on to TopGear.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked.

"What?" He replied with an impish grin.

"You're ridiculous." I said shaking my head as I walked over to the kitchen.

My phone rang in my pocket as Hunter came up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist. I retrieved the phone from my pocket and answered it as Hunter's lips traveled across my neck.

"Hello." I answered squirming away from Hunter.

"Is this Miss Ariana Duran?" The deep male voice on the other side questioned.

"Yes, to whom am I speaking to?" I questioned back.

"Miss Duran, this is Officer Clark from the Kona Police Department in Hawaii. I have some terrible news for you. Do you know an Iliana Turner?"


"You were the only contact we could find, I'm terribly sorry to inform you that Miss Turner was found deceased in the town square last night. We are investigating the situation and have found that she was kidnapped, repeatably raped, drugged, then hung by her wrists in the middle of Kona where they shot her in the chest. We have two of the suspected four murders in custody. Again, Miss Duran I'm terribly sorry. We are gonna need you to call her family to come collect her things since we can't get ahold of anyone, but you. Once again I'm terribly sorry."

Then the line went dead.

My face was frozen, eyes huge, skin pale, I looked and felt as if someone had just ripped out my heart. My phone fell to the carpet taking me with it.

"Baby, what's wrong? Who was that? What's going on? What did they tell you?" Hunter asked as he sunk down next to me and placed my head on his lap.

I was in shock, unable to do anything, I heard him speak, but couldn't find the strength to move my lips and answer him. I felt a single tear travel down my pale white cheek to the cream colored carpet. Hunter kept asking questions, finally somewhere, somehow I found the strength to tell him everything.


As I told him everything I kept traveling back to all the great times Iliana and I had together. That only made it harder to accept her death.

Gone. Iliana Turner. Dead.

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