Chapter 38

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Ariana's POV

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"You who never arrived in my arms, Beloved, who were lost from the start. "

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"Hunter what are we gonna do?" I ask nervously as shivers race through me.

"I don't know, I feel terrible I have to be with you for your special day, but I have to be at my own record release party." He says sadly.

I let out a long agitated sigh before I say," And I have to be there for your release day too, but there's no way that's gonna happen is there?"

"What time is your Gala?" Hunter asks.

"Seven in the evening."

"That's it!" Hunter says ecstatic.


"My release day is a whole day! Your's doesn't start till seven, so what if you flew out here the night before and were here for part of the release day then fly back for your Gala." Hunter informs.

"Yeah, that could work!"

"But there's just one problem then. I won't get to see you speak or get your award." Hunter enlightens now upset.

"Well what about live stream?" I ask with a tinge of hope.

"That'd be perfect!"

"Yay! I'm so happy we found a way to work through this predicament!" I say relieved.

"Me too. Ok baby I'd love to keep talking, but I've gotta get to soundcheck. I love you see you soon!" Hunter says as he hangs up.

I sigh once again in relief.

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