Chapter 35

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~3 months later~

Ariana's POV

"Baby, I'll be back before you know it. It's just a few weeks longer I promise I'll try and make it back for my birthday." Hunter told me over the phone. Hunter left me about three months ago to finish his new record, he's in California now doing some finishing touches on it before the big release. I'm back to work now, I finished rehab last week and yesterday was my first day back.

"Ok, well I could always come to you, we could go see your parents."

"Yeah, that sounds amazing." Hunter replied before quickly changing the subject.

"How was you first day finally back at work?" Hunter asked.

"It was great. I'm kinda taking it easy but I feel really great, I just miss you. How have you been? Is the record what you hoped it would be?"

"I'm glad you feel good, and no Ariana it's so much more, I wish you could fly out to Nashville next week so I could show it to you. I would just send it to you, but I'm not allowed, and I want to see your reaction. This record is the best I've ever recorded and I can't wait for you to hear it!" Hunter exclaimed you could hear the smile on his face and the passion about music within his soul.

"That makes me so happy! I'm so excited! Maybe I actually could fly out there, I'll talk to my boss see what she says and go from there. How's that sound?"

"Amazing". Hunter exclaimed.

"Ok babe I gotta go I'm needed in the studio I'll call you tonight! I love and miss you with all my heart!" Hunter continued.

"I love and miss you with all my heart as well Mr. Hayes. Bye." I told him as we hung up.

The new record he's been working on is called "Me, Myself, and Music." I've heard only three songs and they are amazing. This project has been a huge learning experience for Hunter because he was a co-writer on every song, his other co-writers were Sam Ellis and Dan Huff who he has worked with in the past, but now the three of them did everything all the instruments and vocals were from the three of them. Except for the two songs which are on the deluxe version of the record, which happen to be my two favorite songs on the record so far. One of the songs Hunter wrote and recorded with Stevie Wonder which is incredible! The other song is a duet between Hunter and Sam, words can't describe how happy I was to find out they did a duet, it's absolutely gorgeous and Hunter's Hayniac's and Sam's Saminators are going to die when they hear it! I'm so proud of both of them for that song because they created it by themselves, Dan didn't help them at all with it and he is a musical genius so that says a lot.

Hunter's POV

I got off the phone with Ariana, but before I could make it back in the studio, a wave of emotion swept over me. I had to take a seat back down on the wooden porch swing, and catch my breath. Sam appeared from behind the door a few seconds later.

"Woah, Hunter are you ok? You look really pale." Sam asked.

"I don't know I just felt this weird feeling come over me. I just got off the phone with Ariana and I guess it's just hitting me now how much I really miss her. I'm mean I know I miss her, but now it's like without her everything is different, the trees aren't the same and strangers seem to crowd around me more. The world is different without her and not in a good way. I miss her so much I sleep with a blanket of hers I took because it smells just like her, and I need that, I need her here with me. Where I don't have to worry about her getting hurt or anything terrible happening. I need her here where I can protect her..."

"I think while you do need her here to protect, you also want her here so she can protect you. Even if you don't realize it you both do your own share in protecting each other." Sam said before he then stood up and went back inside. Leaving me here to ponder all he just told me.

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