Chapter 41

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"Come on, Hunter." Ariana exclaims as we run throw the little path in the field.

"Where are we going?" I question.

"It's a surprise!"

"Why does everything have to be a surprise with you?" I ask with a chuckle.

"Because it's more fun!"

"Maybe for you. I hate the uncertainty of not knowing what's going to come next."

"Tough." She says with a giggle.

"No, really Hunter you'll be ok we're almost there."

"There being?"

"It's a surprise!" She says as she playfully punches my shoulder.

A few minutes later we come upon a

road that leads us back to our car.

"We just went in a circle!" I exclaim.

"Haha yep!"

"So that's the surprise,walking in a circle?!"

"No, no, no get in the car and I'll drive you to the surprise." She instructed as she hopped into the car.

Ariana's POV

I had to take Hunter in a circle to stall for time as the band got 'the surprise' ready. Tonight has to be as perfect as possible, it's the least he deserves.


We drove around Breaux Bridge for about thirty more minutes till I got the call that everything was ready.

"Ok, you have to put this on." I say as I hand him the blindfold.

"Fine." He says disgusted as he wraps it around his eyes.

We drive a little ways until I pull into the parking lot.

" Stay there, let me help you out." I instruct.

I guide him out from the car and into the building where it all awaits his arrival.

"Ok, take off you're blindfold now."

Hunter's POV

At first glance I could not remember where I was, I didn't recognize anything. Then as I looked a little more it all came flashing back to me. The little stage, the mural painted of the Breaux Bridge with the bayou behind it. The lights strung across the ceiling giving it a romantic feeling. But something was different all the tables and chairs that used to be here in Mulates Cajun Resturant, also known as the first stage I ever played on, were gone and in there place was two tables pushed together with seven chairs.

I turned around to find myself alone, Ariana no where to be found.

"Ariana, where are you?" I yell into the silence.

"Stay there I'll be right out!" I hear her yell from the direction of the kitchen.

A few minutes later she arrives with a silver tray which she places gingerly on the table.

"Go ahead open it." She instructs.

I do as I'm told only to find a small white card. Opening the card I read "Turn Around." in bold black letters.

I turn around unable to believe who I find standing behind me.

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