fifty seven

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fifty seven

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fifty seven.

I laid under the covers of Daryl and I's bed, wrapped up in the bedsheets. I barely talked to anyone after the infiltration incident, staying locked away in our room. All I'd been doing was waiting, waiting for him to come back to me and wrap me in his arms. My mom always told me not to wait around for anybody especially when I was a teenager, but back then I truly didn't have anyone to wait for. Now, I had someone worth waiting for and someone I was madly in love with, someone who I'd sacrifice myself for to protect.

I laid under the covers of Daryl and I's bed, wrapped up in the warmth and comfort of the bedsheets. I barely talked to anyone after the infiltration incident with the exception for a few conversations with Carol from when she brought me food. She scolded me multiple times for staying locked away in our room and even tried to physically drag me out of the bed but I remained. All I'd been doing in here was sleeping and if I wasn't sleeping I was waiting, waiting for him to come back to me and wrap me in his arms instead of these cotton and polyester barriers. My mom always told me not to wait around for anybody especially when I was a teenager, but back then I definitely didn't have anyone to wait for. Now, I had someone worth waiting for and someone I was madly in love with, someone who I'd sacrifice myself for to protect.

I laid there thinking about Daryl and how he was doing, what he was doing. I wondered if Sasha and Abraham were trying to get him home and he was just being stubborn and wanted to stay out for just a little while longer like he usually does. I thought about him coming home and covering me with kisses as he held me close. I longed to kiss him and breathe in his scent that I've gotten so used to that it now seemed sweet to me; I would bathe in it at this point if I could, that's how desperate I was feeling. I closed my eyes and drifted back off into a sweet slumber, beginning to dream about him and pretending he was still here, like he was right next to me.

"Aften," his rough voice called from downstairs. My eyes flew open in surprise as I sat up, getting a little dizzy since I got up so fast. "You up there?"

"I'm here," I shouted with excitement, clumsily stumbling out of bed. I almost tripped over the bedsheets my feet had been tangled up in. I didn't even bother with putting them back up on the bed. My heart pounded in my ears as I raced down the stairs to see Daryl standing in the doorway of the house. It was almost like the sunlight coming in from behind him was giving him a heavenly glow, like God had sent him back to me. It was like he was my savior, rescuing me from my castle. I jumped into his arms. He caught me, his arms tight around my waist. I was safe in his loving grasp last last. He was here, he was okay, he was alive and breathing. I kissed him.

"I missed you so much," I whispered against his lips before pulling away to stare into his beautiful eyes. Daryl stared at me in return, his eyes flickering over my face thoroughly as he brushed my hair behind my ears. I started to chuckle under my breath at how lovestruck he looked. "What? What're you thinkin' about?"

"Ye're just as beautiful as you were before I left, if not even more," he smiled faintly as his hands traveled down to rest on my hips. I blushed. I immediately knew what this touch meant and butterflies filled my stomach. He gently set me back down on the ground and grabbed my hand. He began to impatiently pull me up the stairs to our room. "C'mon," he smiled deviously. I hurried behind him, laughing and clumsily tripping up the stairs. Our laughs were echoing throughout the house. We entered our room, Daryl slamming the door shut so hard the walls vibrated; I thought the door almost broke.

"Holy shit," I cackled while he ripped off his shirt, seeming impatient to finally get a piece of me after being away from me for so long. He threw it to the side without a care and it landed on the bedside lamp.

"You ain't gonna be laughin' soon, girl," Daryl growled. Goosebumps covered my body as I began to take off my tank top, seductively keeping my eyes on Daryl.

"Oh really? Is that so," I bit my lip, smirking, and made my way over to him. "What're ya gonna do about it?" I ran my hands over his chest, leaving soft kisses all over his skin. I smirked as he shivered from my touch. "What're ya gonna do to me, huh?'

"You'll see," he said in a low voice before bending down and crashing his lips onto mine. I could feel his hand snake up the back of my head, his fingers twisting themselves in my hair. He yanked my head back and I moaned at the roughness. He began nipping at my neck, sucking on the skin. I breathed heavily, letting out a soft moan. He took my breath with him as he pulled back to push me forcefully down onto the bed. Daryl smirked as he towered over me; I looked helpless and he was so turned on by it. He dipped down and planted another kiss on my lips before burying his face in my neck again, nipping at the skin. I closed my eyes and let out a shaky groan, grinning. I've been longing for him to be back with me. I've longed for his touch for so long and now I was melting underneath it. My skin was on fire for him.

Daryl's kisses began to make their way down my body to the outside of the thighs. His fingers latched onto my underwear and aggressively pulled them off of me, throwing them behind him like he was throwing the flower bouquet at a wedding. He stared up at me, his eyes boring holes into my skin. He put his hands on my knees and forced my legs open for him. Whoever was in the house was gonna wish this room was soundproof in a few seconds.

A motorcycle revved outside and snapped me out of my sleep and my racy dream. Was Daryl finally back? I raced down the stairs as fast as I could and clambered out onto the porch to see what was going on. My eyes flickered around the streets of Alexandria, my heart beating fast with excitement and anticipation. I scanned the area more than once but there were no motorcycles anywhere. Did I just imagine the noise? I frowned with frustration but refused to give up on my search. I stepped out into the street, walking down it in search of Daryl. Something far in the distance, up in the sky, ending up catching my attention; a group of green balloons were floating up into the air. I squinted my eyes as I watched them fly higher, getting smaller and smaller as they disappeared.

"That's Glenn," I could hear Maggie yell happily. "That's Glenn!" I frowned again, gazing down at my feet. Was Daryl even alive at this point? If he was, was he ever coming back? What if he was so injured that he can't even move, that Abraham and Sasha couldn't even help him? What if all of them were injured? My mind was racing with negative thoughts, them making me feel sicker by the second. The thoughts were zipping around in circles so much that my head started to hurt. I couldn't help but worry. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard an echoing, earth-shattering cracking noise. Confused and startled, I gazed up again. The bell tower slowly swayed back and forth in its place. My eyes widened as the tower began to fall, crashing down onto the wall that protected us and sealed us into Alexandria. The wall came down, breaking completely board by board. The damage and sound was tremendous, drawing the attention of everyone inside the walls. Dust flew up everywhere, to our dismay, shielding the biters that began to creep their way into Alexandria.

"Shit," I cussed to myself, turning around and running back to the house to grab my sword and any other weapon I could find. This was gonna get real bloody real fast.

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