Chapter Three

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Hola again hope you are enjoying the story so far. In this chapter I'm going to be mentioning a song (to which I do not own any rights too) that will relate in one way or the other to the characters and their stories. I will also be mentioning many songs along the way. Kylie is back in this chapter, so if you missed her you will get to read about her and know more about her story. Hope you enjoy reading this and if you don't please tell me what I should change or do to make the next chapters better for you.

    "Que Dios Me Los Siga bendiciendo!"   "May God Keep Blessing You!"


                                                    Chapter Three
                             ~~~~~ Alex - The best of the best ~~~~~

     'What the hell have you gotten me into?' Well she only asked for this. 'God dang it why did youagree to this, Alex?' Because she gave me the look with the eyes and even added the pleading face, you know I can't say no to the eyes. 'Damn you.' I'm sorry.

It has been three days since our agreement. Mrs. Smith had been busy the last couple of days running her store so she had to postpone our shopping trip until today. My shoulder is now fully recovered and out of that uncomfortable sling. What can I say, I heal really fast.

'No you don't.' well physically at least.

"You look so beautiful, Alexandria" Rachael says while spinning me. She takes a couple steps back to take a better look at me.

“Please, call me Alex.” I tell her. She smiles and nods her head in acceptance.

Mrs. Smith had been so excited when I agreed to this. 'My own personal hell if you ask me.' But just look how happy she looks. ‘how could you do this to me?' oh shut up and suck it up. It's not like I'm going to wear the dang thing.

"Dayumm! baby you are hotter than the hot summer sun!" Said someone from somewhere in the store. When turning around I saw a group of guys about 10 feet away looking in our direction with wide eyes. Some of them were staring at Mrs. Smith, while some were running their eyes up and down my body. I ran and hid behind Mrs. Smith in a second. 

"Now why you gotta hide baby?" the tallest of them said stepping out of the crowd of guys. Through the mirror I saw Mrs. Smith's face go from a smile to a frown in a matter of seconds.

"Hey, baby tell your sister to quit hiding and show me that fine sexy ass of hers." the same tall guy, now addressing Mrs. Smith said. He has on a blue Polo shirt with navy blue jeans.

'He seems like a spoiled rich kid.' You took the words right out of my mouth.

"First of all she's not my sister, but thanks for the complement. Second, please don't embarrass yourselves anymore and go home before I have my husband prosecute you. And finally, that is no way to talk to a young lady who clearly is not in the least bit interested in you." she said stepping closer to the guys with every spoken word.

A crowd was now forming and some very angry costumers were looking at the boys with disgust, while cheering for Mrs. Smith. Everyone stopped their shopping hunt and watched with curious eyes as Mrs. Smith stood up the guys,

"you tell them girl!" yelled a girl in the back of the crowd.

"It’s about time someone put them in their place!" someone said to the right. The crowed got larger as more people were shouting words of encouragement to Mrs. Smith.

'So this is not the first time they have done this.' I guess so.

"Wow baby, you must have found some old dude to marry cause there is no way you-" He was cut short when Mrs. Smith raised her hand at him and got her phone out to make a call.

"Hey Esmeralda, is he there." she said to someone on the other line. Everyone was now looking at Mrs. Smith curious to see what she's going to do.

"Hey honey, how long can someone go to jail for publicly harassing young ladies in a clothing store?" Mrs. Smith looked at the boys and smiled. "Yeah I have them right here in front of me." She said to what I assume was Mr. Smith. She handed the tall guy the phone and said, "He wants to talk to you." 

The guy snatches the phone and talks to Mr. Smith. He was quiet for a few seconds as he listened closely to the other end of the line. “Yes sir." he said now all serious and stiff. "No sir it won't happen again." he hung up and handed the phone to Mrs. Smith.

"I'm sorry if I said anything to upset you or your friend ma’am." he said looking at her in the eyes. Whatever Mr. Smith told him, scared him to death because he apologized to everyone and left the store practically running for his life. The other guys followed after him not comprehending what just happened.

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