The Bonfire

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I decide to walk around for a bit. It was relaxing, but then I hear Thomas screaming for someone to get off him. I look to the doors, where everyone was running. I run up to them. Gally, Newt, and Alby are all telling Thomas to calm down.

"Hey, Thomas. Just calm down," I say in my most soothing voice.

"Why won't you guys tell me what's out there?!?"

"We're keeping you safe, Thomas," Alby says. With that, the doors start to close.

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I go back to my room and start unloading this months box. The keepers always sent up 3 boxes of tampons and pads each month - which was more than enough. They also sent two bottles of birth control. I took it every day, and my cycle became a lot shorter. I normally go through less than one box of the products a month, so I had a bunch stacked up in my bathroom. They also sent me toilet paper - which I was grateful for. I look through the rest to see if they sent up my request. A bottle of lotion, shampoo, conditioner, and body wash were all tied together with a cute little ribbon. I smile and take it out. There was shaving cream and a new razor. I had gotten two new shirts, two pairs of leggings, and 3 pairs of shorts. Then, two boxes laid underneath. The were pretty shallow, but not too thin. I open it. One has four different bras in it. All were lacey. Not my exact request, but nice.

The other had 8 pairs of underwear in it. Two regular ones - but one was lacey, two cheekster ones - again one lacey, two bikinis - another one lacey, and two thongs - again one lacey. I don't know why the creators had such an obsession with lace, but at least I got the new underwear I requested. There's only a couple more things left in the box. 1 stick of deodorant, 1 new hairbrush, a pack of hair ties, and something I had never requested, and never gotten before - condoms. I hide them in my bathroom drawer. I change into a pair of my new underwear and bra, putting on new clothes over them. I put my hair up and plop down on my bed. We were gonna have the bonfire tonight and I wanted a bit of alone time before it. But, of course that can never happen with 37 guys living next to you. A small knock gets me up. I open the door and see Newt standing outside.

"Hey Syd, bonfires starting soon," he says, "creators send you new clothes?" He asks, noting my outfit. I nod.

"You know? The creators aren't that bad except for you know... Putting us here," he smiles.

"Come on," I follow him out to the bonfire and we're handed out torches. When it's called, all the keepers throw theirs into the fire pit. We all cheer and Frypan and Gally hand out drinks to everyone. I grab mine and sit down next to Thomas and Newt.

"Hey boys," I say.

"Hi, Sydney," Thomas says, smiling.

"Hey, Syd," Newt says. I smile and take a sip of the moonshine. Newt hands his to Thomas.

"Here, put some hair on your chest," he says. He makes a suspicious face, but takes a drink, only to spit it into the grass.

"Aw, what was that?" He says, disgusted.

"No ones knows, actually," I say.

"It's Gally's recipe. A trade secret," Newt adds.

"Yeah, well he's still an asshole," Thomas says.

"Hey, he saved your life today. The maze is a dangerous place,"

"Hear that?" I say pausing for him to hear the sound like metal grinding, "That's the maze. It changes every night," I say.

"No ones ever survived a night in the maze,"

"What happens to them?"

"Well, we call em' grievers," Next says.

"Of course, no ones ever seen them and lived to tell about it- but we know they're there," I add. Cheers of the boys snap our attention to the sand pit. Gally - the reigning champion- had pushed another one out of the circle. I get up, and walk over to the boy on the ground.

"You good, Ty?" I ask, crouching down next to him. The job of a medjack - make sure the people who get pushed out didn't break anything.

"Yeah," he groans, trying to get up. He fails.

"Jeff, can you bring him back to the stand and make sure there's nothing serious?" I say, calling over to a fellow medjack.

"I said I'm fine," he says.

"And I said you needed to be checked on. I also think you've had a bit too much to drink. Jeff!" I say, turning my attention, "don't let him back here until the moonshine's effects were off," he nods, and gets him to the hospital. Or as I sometime called it the mestand.

"How about you greenie? You want to try?" Gally says. All the boys start chanting.

"Greenie! Greenie! Greenie!" They say.

I walk over to him.

"You don't have to, Thomas," I whisper. "I don't want you to be my next patient,"

"I'll be fine," he says. He walks into the circle and all the boys cheer.

"Alright, greenie, games simple. I try to push you out of the circle. You try to last more than 5 seconds," he says, earning a laugh.

"Stop calling me that,"

"Fine. I think shank's a better name for you anyway," he says, shoving him. It earns another laugh. Thomas runs at him, pushing him back. But Gally reacts and starts pushing against him. He pushes Thomas on the ground, so he's face down. He spits some sand out of his mouth and gets up again.

"Yeah. Shanks better,"

"Thomas," He corrects before charging again. He gets Gally on the ground but Gally kicks his foot out from under him. He bangs his head against the ground hard.

"Oh shit," Gally says.

"Gally! You could've gave a concussion!" I say, running over to him.

"Yeah I realize that," I help Thomas up.

"Come on. Let's get you to the medstand," I say.

"Let's tuck it in for tonight, guys!" Alby says. "Get to bed!" I lead Thomas over to the building and have him sit on one of the beds. He had a cut on the side of his head, and a small a mouth of blood was dripping down his face.

"Sydney, I'm fine," he says. I completely ignore him and grab a cloth. I dip it in the water bucket and go back over to him. I gently dab the cut on the side of his head, and clean the blood of his face.

"Hey," I hear from behind me. I turn to see Gally.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"I wanted to make sure I didn't kill the kid,"

"I'm fine," Thomas says.

"You need to go to bed, Gally. Alby's orders," he nods and walks out. I grab a bandage a tiny bit bigger than his cut and put it on him.

"Sydney, I told you, I'm fine,"

"Just let me fix this up. And Thomas?"


"Call me Syd,"

You're Different From Everyone Else Here - Thomas - The Maze Runner Where stories live. Discover now