A Picnic

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Thomas gives me a smile. A smile that could make any other girl go weak. I smile back and sit down next to him.

"You know, you're different from everyone else here, Thomas," I say.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"A good thing,"

"Well, I might end up completely embarrassing myself, but maybe. We could go on a date sometime..."

"I would love to, but where are we going to go?"

"A picnic. In the forest," I smile and kiss his jaw.

"It's a date. Now. Get to bed," he nods and gets up.

"Goodnight, Syd," he says, about to leave the building.

"Goodnight, Thomas," I say. He smiles and leaves. I follow him out and turn to go to the homestead. I walk into my room and close my curtains. I pull off my leggings and shirt. I grab an oversized t-shirt from my dresser and slip it on. I take off my bra from under it and put everything back in the dresser, but in the back. I climb in under my covers and lay my head on my pillow. I slowly drift off to sleep.

<> <> <>

"Syd," A familiar accent says, as I open my eyes. "Syd, get up," I take in a deep breath as my vision focuses on Newt. I told him if I wasn't up by breakfast time, he could always come in and wake me.

"Morning, Newt," I say.

"Morning. Now, breakfast is ready if you want it," I nod and he walks out. I get up and put on a bra, with a non-lace thong, and pull leggings on over it. I change my shirt and brush my hair and teeth. I go out and get a plate of food from Frypan before sitting down next to Thomas and Chuck.

"Hey, Thomas, Chucky," I say.

"Hey, Syd," they both say at they same time.

"Hey, when did you get on her good side?" Chuck asks Thomas. He smiles.

"So, Thomas," I say, bringing his attention to me. "How about we have that date at lunch today?" I say. I take some more bites of my food.

"Y-Yeah. That sounds great,"

"Great. I'll have Frypan pack up our lunches and you meet me by the medstand when it's ready?"

"Yeah. That sounds great,"

"Okay. And afterwards it'll be your time to try out the medjack job, so you'll spend even more time with me,"

"Yeah. That sounds great,"

"You gonna say anything else other then 'yeah. That sounds great'?"

"Oh. Um sorry. It's just-"

"You're nervous, aren't you?" Chuck interrupts.

"Chuck!" Thomas says.

"Oh come on, Thomas. I won't bite," I say, getting up. But, I lean down and whisper in his ear. "much," I finish. I see his face flush red and I turn my tray in, with a smirk still plastered on my face. I go to he medstand and start sorting all of the medical supplies in the main room, seeing what we need more of from the storage shed.

"Hey Clint?" I call.

"Yeah?" He says, walking into the main room.

"Can you go get some more aloe from the track-hoes?" He nods and runs off. I walk to the shed and grab some more gauze and bandages. I stock the drawers and finish just as Jeff comes back. I thank him and take the aloe. I place it in the drawer, without extracting the medicine. That's something I'll teach Thomas when he comes here after lunch. I would never let it show, but I had hundreds of butterflies flying around in my stomach. Just a little before lunch, I run back to my room. I brush out my hair and tie it in a cute bun with one strand down on each side. I twist the hair and spray it with water. Then, I curl it around my finger and use some of my precious hairspray. I take out my finger and a curl is left in its place. I do the same thing to the other side before going and getting our lunch from Frypan. Then, I just wait by the medstand for Thomas. He comes by within a minute. I smile and take his hand.

"Come on, Thomas," I whisper. He smiles and we walk off into the forest. We find a small clearing and set up our picnic. I sit near him and we start talking. I tell him some stories about my history in the Glade. After a bit of talking, I land on the one where the "don't come in my room" rule was made.

"So, guys had broken into my room before. They always looked in my underwear drawer for some weird reason. But, it wasn't even that that made the rule,"

"Do I even want to know?"

"It's kind of funny looking back, actually. So, the keepers had called an emergency meeting, and I hadn't heard. So, all the keepers went to my room to find me. Well, I was changing,"

"Oh my God!" He says.

"Yeah so, all the keepers : Newt, Minho, Winston, Gally, all of them all saw me in my underwear," he laughs a bit, but doesn't respond.

"What? Jealous?" I ask laughing. His face flushes red. I kiss his cheek. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me close to him. I lay my head on his chest.

"This was great Thomas, but I got to go. Keepers get shorter lunch breaks," he takes his arm away and nods.

"Yeah, this was great, Syd. Maybe we could do it again soon?" I nod. We both stand up. He wraps both arms around me, and pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around him, pulling his body closer to mine. He rubs small gentle circles in my back. I pull away and move my hands to his face. I gently pull his lips to mine. I kiss him and he kisses back. No matter how cheesy or clique' it sounds - I felt sparks. I felt chills run down my spine. I felt the chemistry between us. I felt the fireworks. He pulls away and stares straight into my eyes, his eyes filled with love. I smile and go back to his lips. They were soft. I pull away and break into a huge smile. So does he.

"Woah," he says.

"Woah," I repeat. Then, a twig snaps behind him. I pull away to look. Ben. He's been stung.

You're Different From Everyone Else Here - Thomas - The Maze Runner Where stories live. Discover now