Why'd You Leave Me?

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I walk out in the hall and take the tunnels to the mapping room. Everyone was waiting for me.

"So how do we address the fact that their leader is dead?" Minho asks, loudly and angrily. He masks his sadness with anger.

"Minho. You don't have to act like you're not sad. No ones going to judge you if you're upset you're really good friend is dead," I say.

"But they will judge us for not protecting him. That machine should've taken me! No one hear loves me or needs me as much as they need Alby or Chuck, or Thomas or Newt, and especially not as much as they need you! That should've been me!" He yells, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Minho..." I whisper, placing a hand on his shoulder. "We all need you a hell of a lot more than you think we do,"

"Then why'd you leave me?" He whimpers through tears. I look to Newt and nod to the door, suggesting he get out. He nods and takes Thomas with him.

"Minho. You know why,"

"For wanting to have sex? Asking once?"

"No. That's just what set me off. I thought I explained it to you,"

"No. You never did. And in times like this, my mind just flashes back to you screaming at me. Saying how you didn't need me, and how you never loved me. And that you never would," he says, looking to me with tears flowing out of his eyes.

"Minho. We could never agree on anything. We were afraid to criticize each other when we dated. We would end up in huge messes because we couldn't agree and at the same time didn't want to hurt the other one's feelings. We just didn't work as a couple,"

"But that was work. When we were alone in our room we got along really well. We could talk for hours on end, and stay up until we could see the sun just so our conversation wouldn't end. I loved that. I loved you. And I want that back. But I know I can't get it back because you're with Thomas now. You love him, a lot. And I can tell. I see the way you look at him, and how you clicked when he first got here. Alby even told me he remembers you dating before we came up in the box. You're meant to be with him. But that doesn't change how I feel about you,"

"Minho. You'll always be one of my best friends. And I loved those conversations, too. They were amazing. And I don't think I could talk like that to anyone else. But you're right, I love Thomas now,"

"I know you'll love him a hell of a lot more than me. If you ever even loved me..."

"Of course I loved you, Minho. I wouldn't have stayed for 2 years if I hadn't! Don't ever doubt the feelings I had back then. They were real. But they're staying the the past,"

"Then why'd you say those things when you left? Why'd you have to hurt me so bad?"

"I-I just had to lie to myself to bring myself to leave you. Something just wasn't right. I'm sorry I ever made you believe that, Minho,"

"I'm sorry I wasted you're time. You could've been with someone a lot better. And you are. The hero. The curious one that's gonna save everyone.."


"I'm sorry. For everything. Not getting there in time to stop Gally, wasting your time with the dating thing. You're wth someone better now and I shouldn't have ever brought this up. Even though I'm not going to be able to move on, it's nice to know you're happy,"

"That wasn't a waste of time. And Minho - I know you better than you know yourself. I can see you falling for Teresa," I say.


"You two talking, hanging out down here together; hell you even sleep in the same bed now. Why don't you ask her out?"

"In the mist of all of this? I don't think that's a good idea,"

"It couldn't hurt. Maybe even tell her that you're interested and that when this passes, you'll take her out. It doesn't have to be now. But if you like her, don't dwell on what we were. Focus on what you two could be," he smiles at me through the tears.

"Thanks, Syd," he whispers. I smile and hug him. He cradles my head and pulls me closer into his chest. For a second, I did flash back to those times when we were dating. Minho will always be close to me. He might not be my boyfriend, but he'll always be one of my best friends.

* * *

Minho and I went back to find Thomas and Newt. But, when we opened the door they were right there.

"2 years? You told me like 6 months!" Thomas says.

"You two were eavesdropping? That was private!" I say.

"Why'd you lie to me?"

"Why didn't you tell him how long we'd been together!?" Minho asks, obviously hurt. "We're you embarrassed?"

"Syd, why'd you lie?"

"You were embarrassed, weren't you?" Minho mumbles. I see his tears start to come back. I feel my own. I didn't even think much of it when I told Thomas. I just wanted to downplay it so I didn't seem so eager when we ended up having sex. I can't believe I hurt two of my favorite people.

"She was probably afraid of your judgment. Since everyone you go against seems to end up in the maze or taken by a griever!"

"I'm not that low of a person. Unlike you, who wanted to leave Alby for dead and then cried about it when he really died. You were being a little crying bitch just to get alone with her. I don't know why Syd was ever interested in you,"

"I don't get what she sees in you, but you make her happy and that's all that matters to me. If you were the same you wouldn't be talking like that, slinthead. Her happiness it all that matters, not who she's with! Maybe take that into consideration,"

"Guys, stop!" I yell.

"Stay out of it!" Thomas yells. I get scared. He's never snapped at me. I slowly back away until I bump into Newt.

"Don't talk to her like that!" Minho yells at him.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Thomas screams. I was really getting scared. This wasn't going to end well. Newt gently pushes me toward the staircase.

"You can't treat her like that! Stop acting like a piece of clunk!"

"Oh grow up! Start using real words and not that stupid cuss you made up!"

"I didn't make it up! Syd, Newt, and Alby did, you little fuckface! Does that work better for you? I'll just call you a little fuckface from now on,"

"Like that's going to effect me. You need to back off of Syd!"

"Shut up! You're just insecure because you don't treat her the way she deserves!"

I slowly get closer to the stairs, wanting to get away from this. Thomas grabs my arm and yanks me to him. I flinch, and let out a small whimper.

"You're staying here! Tell him you're taken!" I say nothing and just look at my feet.

"Syd...?" He whispers, realizing what he did. "Oh my god, did I hurt you?" He whimpers. I slowly nod, tears welling in my eyes.

"Syd, I didn't mean it. I swear. I'm so sorry," he says, starting to cry himself. I pull away from him, gently rubbing my arm. Minho comes over to me.

"Syd..." Minho says, gently rubbing my back. He glares at Thomas and tries to pull me into a hug. I move away. I go to Newt. He's never hurt me, and he's always been there for me. He gently rubs my back and guides me up the stairs. The tears blurred my vision. When we got up there, I could hear the boys down there start fighting again. Newt gets me back into my room and sits on the bed, opening his arms for me.

"Come here, love," he whispers. I climb in next to him and curl up into a ball, leaning against his chest. He wraps his arms around me and doesn't say another word. He just lets me cry into his chest. And that's what I do. I just cry.

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